Yupp! as the title says, I nurse Dinky Aeisyah everywhere. Thank God that in Malaysia we don't have this nonsense regulations on mommies who want to breastfeed their babies outside at public places. However, to achieve this secrecy act, you need to have special gear! By all means, the special gear is a nursing blouse :) However, of all nursing blouse that I found in the online store doesn't suit my dress code. This is because I choose to wear a cloth that is not body hugging, have a long sleeve, and it should fall below my rear end :)
This is a Maternalove nursing blouse. It's lovely but...my emak will kill me if she sees me wearing something like this :)
Last month, I went to the Modernmum at KLCC and they were having this promotion, buy 2 blouse at RM180.00. So, I bought 1 nursing blouse and 1 maternity blouse. There were 3 designs of nursing blouse but the other 2 weren't my liking. When I got home, I was thinking what am I going to do with the maternity blouse. I couldn't wear it during the family outing. How am I suppose to breastfeed with it. Then the idea struck! I could improvise it.

This is the nursing opening. Don't mind the awful stitching at the neck. I haven't sew for few months so it get some time to get use to it.
This is the Modernmum maternity blouse. I bought a matching japanese cotton fabric and had it cut to fit the blouse. Then I sew the cotton piece at the shoulder and underarm part of the existing blouse. Now, it has become a stylish nursing blouse!
This is the nursing opening. Don't mind the awful stitching at the neck. I haven't sew for few months so it get some time to get use to it.
As you can see, my sewing standard has improve with the next blouse :)
What do you think? Pretty handy I might say.
wah...rajin nyer u buat sendirik nih???
i tak banyak nursing clothes. asyik2 rotate t-shirt blessedmum jer. boring gak. jd kena kreatiflah sket :)
kenapakah tak terfikir nak modify blouse ek selama nie?
nursing blouse yang sesuai dgn citarasa mmg susah nak cari...
your idea looks just like what I want to do myself. But yang I'm wandering is kat mana nak selak baju? Dari bawah? Or ??
Nadzifah, ada nursing blouse Modernmum yg dua layer mcm ni. tp second layer/underlay dia mmg terdedah sket. bila selak tepi underlay (side opening) mesti nampak bhgn dada bawah collarbone. itu yg i improvise tu. mmg betul2 ikut breast sendiri.
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