Last weekend, Mr Vediaz, Dinky Aeisyah and me went back to my grandfather's house at Sepang, Negeri Sembilan. We departed on Saturday because I have this extra class with Year Six pupils. Even my family was there. My emak, Atih, Min, who was showing off his new Honda, Nana, who wouldn't let Dinky Aeisyah touch her books, Wawa and Yaya. My eldest brother, Along, wasn't there because he was at his in-laws. On Sunday, without wasting my time, Mr Vediaz brought me to Sri Munawwarah as he promised before. I spent like two hours in there! I couldn't decide which tudungs to buy. I actually brought few clothes so that I could match the clothes with the tudungs. However, there was no 'hijau lumut' tudung. So, I need to re-match the clothes and the tudungs. I also bought some pins, brooch and two hair bands. I even met with Kak Haslina Ali fo Sri Munawwarah. She's so soft spoken! And she speaks flawless English along with a Brits slang. I asked her about when she's going to restock certain colour and she said that it's hard to say really. Whenever she put up new pieces at the boutique, usually they all gone in a day. Can you believe that! Unlucky me... Speaking of Munawwarah's tudung, there few people who said that their tudungs are kind of overpriced than the others that are being sold at the market. Not to me though. The tudung is expensive but an exceptional one. So, ladies, what do you have to say about this?

i'm waiting for ur entry...
sudah beli yer??? eheheh..sure balik kemaman senyummmmm memanjang.
i pun beli kaler yg sama (utk tudung design baru tu)..
sbb kaler dia tak byk sgt pun...
memang senyummmmm jer! Hubby pun asyik gelak tgk i kejap2 duk tgk tudung. macam xde mende lain nak buat. Tudung baru tu ok gak. sbb fabrik dia bkn plain colour. Hubby ckp ni memang kes kemaruk munawwarah dah :)
wow.. i selalu balik kl tak pernah pun dpt pi munawarah lagik.... :( nice kaler aarr tudung ni.. as i pernah mention, kenapa tak letak your pics of wearing it.. nak tgk how it looks on you.. asyik tgk kat model2 je.. nk jugak tgk public pakai how it looks.. and may i know how much price range dia .. the tudungs i mean.... :)
zoora, range munawwarah quite expensive compare dengan tudung biasa tp kalau ada org boleh beli bawal Dato' K tu sampai RM80 kira ok lah tu. Yg kaler dusty pink yg i baru beli tu, stail tudung T belah xyah lipat RM85, kalau tudung T belah kena lipat RM75. Tudung T small price dia RM50-RM65. yg ni i x sure sangat. Nak cari tudung T small yg xyah lipat kaler cream sbb nak try 2 tone tp dah habes stok. tudung T small yg kena lipat is RM50. First time pegi Munawwarah memang pening tgk price sbb banyak sangat kod utk each tudung. each kode tu price dia mmg berbeza. Part nak post pics of me wearing it, insya-allah i will post in future.
oo .. price dia different la eh....oo ok.. thanks.. tgk la nanti ada masa nak ikut my in law pegi.. ok, i'll wait for your pics ok.... :d
hehehe .. assalamualaikum.. I have been hopping from one blog to another to find people who love munawarrah tudung .. nampaknya makin ramai peminat .. I start pakai somewhere end of last year .. ke early this year ever since than i mcm addicted to it .. pantang pergi kdeai dia memang tak pernah pulang tangan ksosong punyer ...
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