Today I had to go to Kuantan town to buy some souvenirs for the Teacher's Day celebration on this coming Friday on behalf of the Teacher and Staff Club (I'm the club Treasury by the way). I'm off to Kuantan on 1035am with one of a fellow teacher, Teacher Norma. There were many things to buy (sigh). First, we stopped at Mydin to get few hampers for a lucky draw. Then we went to the Baby Department to get 2 hampers for our colleagues whom gave birth for the past months. Done with the hampers, its was time for the souvenirs. Off we went to the SSF. There, we found this small but functional souvenir and the most importantly, the price is within the budget. 61 souvenirs altogether, pheww! By the time we left SSF, my car boot was full with hampers and souvenirs.
Before we headed back to Kemaman, we stopped at the newly opened Eastcoastmall to get ourselves some Big Apple's doughnuts! Yayy! Actually, Mr Vediaz promised me to get those tempting doughnuts on the Mother's Day, however when we arrived to the Big Apple, everything was finished up to the last piece of almond...So much for a Mother's Day celebration. To made it up, I bought a box of 12 for RM17. Today, I'm a one happy teacher with a box full with doughnuts.
My preciousssss....
We finally went home....not yet guys. There is more to come. When we arrived at Kemaman, I dropped Teacher Norma at her house with her 7 years old son waiting eagerly for those luscious doughnuts at the gate. Next, I need to fill up the tank because the alarm lamp was blinking like 5 times. On my way to the Jakar Petronas, a lorry trailer on the left lane try to overtake two motorcycles and the lorry somehow squeezed me right to the road's divider. BAMMM! The lorry hit my side mirror and I braked immediately causing the car swerved a bit and landed on the divider. Alhamdulillah, I was alright. I didn't get the lorry's plate number because it was raining. At that moment, nobody stopped to helped me out. Everyone was passing me by with 'poyo' look. There I was, still in my baju kurung, standing on the divider in the middle of the main road, trying to avoid the passerby gaze, thinking hard how to drive down the car from the divider. There even cars that horribly honked at me. Thankfully, there was this guy who stopped by and helped me out.
Mr Vediaz got home quite early just to cheer me up. Well, for me, I don't know what else to say except that I'm so tired guys...sign off
Mr Vediaz got home quite early just to cheer me up. Well, for me, I don't know what else to say except that I'm so tired guys...sign off
1 comment:
heiyy...selamba punyer lori....
thank god u r ok!
ermmm..big apple pun dah ada kt kuantan? yummyyyy...
jd ke u dtg kl??
munaw timmeeeeeeeeeeeeee....
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