Seems that Dinky Aeisyah on a road on becoming a computer geek! huhuhu. She was exploring the first floor and she was somehow got so excited because she manage to escaped her parent's bedroom. So, here she was, exploring the world of gadgets, wires, router, blinking LEDs, subwoofer, you name it! As you can see in the picture, Mr Vediaz CPU isn't fully covered, he mention something about his CPU needs 'natural ventilation'. After seeing this picture, it's time to cover up the CPU for good. And, about all the wires, I have nothing to say about it.
chegu... better chegu cover cpu tu cepat2... takut nnt cute aeisyah pegang2 all the small2 parts dlm tu...
Tak lama lg dapat kaki....lagi best menjelajah rumah. Coml baby aeisyah :))
to mama ryan...chegu; nice nickname B-) dah suruh Mr Vediaz cover up, maybe tomorrow nite barulah abah Aeisah ada masa. Bz keja shift hours
To mamahanees...itulah kan. belum dapat kaki lagi. saya dalam proses nak siapkan playground Aeisyah bawah tangga tp xde masa lagi...:(
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