Yesterday was 16th of May. It was the only day to celebrate all the teachers across the nation, and it includes ME! The day started as any usual day except that all the pupils didn't have to bring their textbook burden school bag. All they need to bring were their present(s) or card(s). First, we, the teachers, had a morning assembly at the assembly compound along with the pupils. The teacher in charge started with songs recital followed by pupil's performances which were Dikir Barat and Malay Choir. After that, the teachers were bombarded with students who wanted to give their presents. Afterwards, there was 'Sukaneka' but I didn't participate :) It was my pumping time LOL. The day was wrapped up with lunch at the school canteen.
While the teacher were having their lunch, the pupils were buying at the canteen.

My pressies!
I would like to dedicate this poem to all my teachers whom had taught me.
Paint their minds
and guide their thoughts
Share their achievements
and advise their faults
Inspire a Love
of knowledge and truth
As you light the path
Which leads our youth
For our future brightens
with each lesson you teach
Each smile you lengthen
Each goal you help reach
For the dawn of each poet
each philosopher and king
Begins with a Teacher
And the wisdom they bring
By Kevin William Huff
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