Thursday, December 11, 2008
DIY Baju Kurung
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
Doing Their Things
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
We're On A Holiday
My, the parking there was so challenging. For SS2 resident that is normal but to me it's way beyond normal. How "kampung" can I become :P. I badly need to go to those shops is because I want to find certain fabric that hard to find because I have several sewing projects in mind. I get back to you when I start my sewing project on those fabrics. I'm totally blank when you ask me about any places at Subang. I'm a 'kampung' girl from Terengganu. How am I supposed to know that? On my first day, I just wanted to get my breakfast and I ended up at the SACC Mall. Talk about clueless. Mr Vediaz was like "What on earth you're doing at Shah Alam? Can't you just go to the Subang Parade?" Helllllooooo! I've been to Subang Parade like twice in my entire life, the first one was when I was 14 years old and the last time was 2 years ago and I was sleeping on my way there. Mr Vediaz kept talking about " Go to the Federal Highway!" and my respond was, "Federal what? Are you speaking in codes?". Today, with a better sense, I turn on the GPS navigation software and search the nearest restaurant. After Dinky Aeisyah and I had our Breakunch (Breakfast+Lunch), we headed off to SS2 again. This time I want to go to the Craft World at Jalan SS2/55. I couldn't find that road yesterday so today is the day. Goshhh! Everything that screams the word craft, sewing, knitting, and quilting is there. The price is quite cheap compared to where I usually buy my sewing stuffs. I was calculating on a cutting mat, a rotary cutter and a ruler, but may be next time. I need to save up first because those tools are not cheap. There is a staff at the Craft World who is willing to give me discounts (Why, Oh Why?) but I managed to resist the offer. I need those tools to do my patchwork project at Epal but me being "Hangat-hangat Tahi Ayam", I need to know whether "I need or I want" those tools. (Ahh, malunya aku nak mengaku fakta ini!). Well, recession is coming and I better make wise decision when I shop right! Till now, the images of that large size Clover cutting mat, 45mm Clover rotary cutter and big size patchwork ruler (forgot the brand though) are lingering in my head. God! Help me!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Swing And Sing
Saturday, November 8, 2008
My Portable Feeding Chair
Helping Out
Dinky Aeisyah is Starting to Walk!
"Anak umur berapa? Eh, sama lah tapi anak akak 10 bulan dah boleh jalan dah" with an excited tone
"Semua anak kita jalan bila dah 9 bulan"
Friday, November 7, 2008
Reading Time
Thursday, October 23, 2008
My New Indulgence
Main functions:
- 22 sewing patterns including: jahit tepi, jahit lurus, button sewing, embroidery (without using the embroidery sewing frame), one step button hole sewing, zipper sewing, and jahit sembat. - can sew on thick fabric like leather and jeans.
- can sew on elastic fabric.
- double sewing (double sewing needle given for free)
- adjustable sewing size (broad and narrow sewing pattern)
- adjustable distance in between sewing pattern.
- sewing light
- thread cutter
- reverse sewing
- removable free arm.
- sewing plate with scale.
Suitable for:
- quilting
- clothing
- applique
- patchwork
- embroidery
- house interior decoration
- craft
From my experience, my 2049 performance is as a good as a Singer machine that is priced at RM1+++.++. Trust me guys, the price is not based on how many patterns a machine can sew; more expensive, more patterns; you can feel the smoothness when you sew with an expensive sewing machine. I also got the Magic Kit which consist of 15 sewing foots. There is a ruffler which you use to make ruffle for a blouse, a binding foot which can be used to sew piping and a lot more. Apart from that, I got free one year sewing lesson at Epal, well it is part of the package. By the time of writing, I have 2 projects pending under my belt. One is a baju kurung with a matching clog and another one is a quilted wall hanging. When I'm done with my sewing project, I'll post up some photos. Mr Vediaz is happy with my machine along with a phrase "Lepas ni ibu tak payah dah hantar upah baju, dah boleh jahit baju sendiri dengan baju abah sekali"....
Ibu-ibu Contoh

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Velcro Tape
Monday, October 13, 2008
Raya Pics
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Selamat Hari Raya!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Dinky Aeisyah Learns How To Feed Herself...Well...Sort Of
Thursday, September 25, 2008
The Day I Put My Breast Pump Away
Dinky Aeisyah is posing next to Mrs Vediaz breast pump. Initially, I bought Avent Out and About because I though that a manual ones would be sufficient. Boy, was I wrong. It took ages just to pump by one side and being a low producer, it didn't help. So, I settled for PISA and it worked like charms. Loving it!
My buddies...sitting side by side in the store room. These momies gadget really distinguish myself as a nursing mom and I'm proud of it. Eventhough I hate washing all the pumps parts, I do miss pumping. During those late night washing, I do wish I have a dishwasher at home so that I can stock up eight sets of horns, valves, membranes, you name it. After I finish pumping, I could just load those parts into the dishwasher and leave it to the next morning. Aaaahhh...blissful dream! You wish!
To those mommies out there, who are still breastfeeding, I salute you all because what you are doing is the best thing you can give to a child. May be I should get another dinky boo so that I can jump into the bandwagon again? Just kidding...
Monday, September 1, 2008
Dinky Aeisyah is One!

When Dinky Aeisyah was 4 month old, Mr Vediaz and I had decided to had Dinky's Aeisyah hair the deserving trim. Her hair was a mess! When we were at this newly opened barber shop, there was this barber who kind of "alim" type of guy. He suggested that we shave all Dinky's Aeisyah hair. After thinking about it, we said why not. After that "alim" guy shaved our baby's virgin hair, he wipe Dinky's Aeisyah head with a mix of Zam Zam water and some saffron. Sunah nabi katanya. Then we headed straight to a goldsmith shop just to weight Dinky'y Aeisyah hair. It was RM7++.++! Kaaacchhingggg!
Teddy bears and seas of blue
Smiling in honor of you
An infant, not long ago
Now, one candle is aglow
You are growing up so fast
How quickly a year has passed
You are special, sweet, and wise
A present before our eyes.
For a year, I’ve watched you shine
An angel I can call mine
Sent from Heaven, just for me
Filled with hope and dignity
A blessing, now and always
You brighten all of my days
Precious child, I love you so
More than anyone could know.
Baby’s breath and sun-filled skies
Ladybugs and lullabies
Starry nights and bright moonbeams
Tender hearts and lasting dreams
Each, a gift within your view
During this time, made for you
May only good things come your way
On this, your very first birthday.
By Jill Eisnaugle
Monday, August 25, 2008
Breastfeeding Stand Up
Whoaa! This video really cracked me up! When I was watching this video, I couldn't stop laughing because everything is so TRUE! "Don't Cry Over a Spilt Milk", yeah right. Speak for yourself. Nobody will understand how, we, pumping mommies feel whenever we drop our bottle. It is much worse than not getting a raise. The feeling, the angst....urrgghh. Eventhough it was sponsored by Medela and Amy Wilson showed off the new Medela Freestyle (I want it!), it doesn't bother me at all. Kudos goes to Amy Wilson who performed this stand. A mother of three under five, whom all breastfeed, she is known for her one-woman off-Broadway show "Mother Load," ( a comical look at the cutthroat world of competitive parenting. This standup comedy routine on breastfeeding was done at a summer 2008 luncheon for Chicago-area moms hosted by Medela of course.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
I'm Missing My Mr Vediaz