I spent my first raya at my parents house without my husband around because Mr Vediaz was working his butt off on that day. On that first raya I stayed at home because I was too lazy to get out from the house. Ate, watched the idiot box, slept, ate again, wandered around the house, annoyed my emak :), bullied my sisters, and the list went on...Aaaah...whenever I'm at my parents house I'm always at cloud nine...can do what I want to do or simply do nothing :). It's more like an escapism theraphy and I sometime need that.
Dinky Aeisyah on the first raya.
Nooooo! Do I have to leave my Tok Ki and Tok Wan?
The next day; second raya, Dinky Aeisyah and I followed Mr Vediaz back to Kemaman. I dropped him off at work and I went straight home.
On the third raya, three of us went off to Penang because Mr Vediaz sf amily had plan a family gateway there.
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