Last week, I packed up my pumps because I'm no longer breastfeeding Dinky Aeisyah. It was heart wrenching while packing my buddies back into their boxes. I haven't pumping for more than a month but in those days, I left my avent ISIS on my Ikea shelf and my PISA on my working desk, hoping that this day won't happen…Remember my
post about my supply was dwindling few month back. Well, I didn't take any
galactagogue because Mr Vediaz was and still against of any supplementation. So, I power pump like hell. But I was so stressed with my workload (anybody does rite) and all those late night sleep which weren't helping my dire situation. Now, Dinky Aeisyah is on bottle. Sad but true. Whenever she takes her bottle, I kept thinking, weren't I trying hard enough? Should I be doing this and that? Deep down inside I know that pumping is sucks. It does but I look forward for my pumping session when I'm at school and looking at Dinky Aeisyah face when she nursed was the reason I kept going. I couldn't describe how I felt on our last nursing days. It was like; I don't want to stop nursing but my body telling me to…

Dinky Aeisyah is posing next to Mrs Vediaz breast pump. Initially, I bought Avent Out and About because I though that a manual ones would be sufficient. Boy, was I wrong. It took ages just to pump by one side and being a low producer, it didn't help. So, I settled for PISA and it worked like charms. Loving it!

My buddies...sitting side by side in the store room. These momies gadget really distinguish myself as a nursing mom and I'm proud of it. Eventhough I hate washing all the pumps parts, I do miss pumping. During those late night washing, I do wish I have a dishwasher at home so that I can stock up eight sets of horns, valves, membranes, you name it. After I finish pumping, I could just load those parts into the dishwasher and leave it to the next morning. Aaaahhh...blissful dream! You wish!
To those mommies out there, who are still breastfeeding, I salute you all because what you are doing is the best thing you can give to a child. May be I should get another dinky boo so that I can jump into the bandwagon again? Just kidding...
i plak yg mcm nak nangis baca ur entry nih...
yeap, my supply pun merudum lately..but i still keep on pumping and try not to think about it...
luckily, the stock masih ada.
but to you, congratulations and takpe, nanti the next baby boleh lagi...kan?
mrs noba...mmg sedih sangat sampai hubby pun xtau nak pujuk macam mana. Try to think positive yg at least i dah BF for almost a year. Tp rasa mcm tak cukup. For the next one need to prepare better, kalau tak haru macam ni lah
dear izya,
salam and hi. i was bloghopping from and found this sad entry of yours. my heart goes out to you.
i'd like to invite you to read my blog entry
you probably have read it before, but try just reading it again. i see that you're not ready to wean off yet. maybe this entry can help you lift up that bf spirits again.
there are many other galactagogues besides fenugreek. maybe u should try them out too.
all the best to you..
just read out ur article. Yes it was the hardest part to wean off b4 the child reach 2yrs old. I've the same experience, have to stop bf since got pregnant for a 2nd time. However syukur sebab dapat fully breastfeed almost a year and continue back giving her ebm after her sister was born.
Ya maybe you should try giving aisyah a sister/ brother... :)
Thank to mommies yg bagi encouragement...mmg tough sangat. to farrahar, thank for the article. I know that I can relactate but I need to devote at least a month on that. After discuss with hubby, I'm afraid that I will stressed out with all the pumping. Kitaorg tgh try for the second one. So, anything yg meng'stress kan mmg kena elakkan. Sedihkan. Nak relactate tp nak another baby. How sucks is that..(
salam... anda juga berjaya..... insya'allah rezeki utk anak2 yg akan dtg mungkin lagi meriah BF... jgn sedih2.... anda dah lakukan yg terbaik....
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