As the title goes, Mr Vediaz is now attending a business trip at.......
He goes to Holland because he have to meet some vendors, I suppose, and he will be back in 10 days...counting! He better be back because Dinky's Aeisyah first birthday is just around the corner and I don't want to celebrate Dinky's Aeisyah birthday without him. And he better brings back a birthday pressie from Holland, same with me! Airport chocolates don't count as pressies.
uh uh.. aiesyah dah nak 1?? huh.. how time flies...
make sure u update on that aaaa
-mama emma-
insya-allah akan update pasal Aeisyah's birthday...kalau semua marking and exam analysis dah siap ingatkan nak buat ala-ala kronologi Aeisyah gitu!
wahhhh aiesyah dah nak masuk setahun..kongrett
sungguh cantek kan tempat tu!! beshnye kalo dpt g sane :)
missing me? i am back now...
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