When Dinky Aeisyah was 4 month old, Mr Vediaz and I had decided to had Dinky's Aeisyah hair the deserving trim. Her hair was a mess! When we were at this newly opened barber shop, there was this barber who kind of "alim" type of guy. He suggested that we shave all Dinky's Aeisyah hair. After thinking about it, we said why not. After that "alim" guy shaved our baby's virgin hair, he wipe Dinky's Aeisyah head with a mix of Zam Zam water and some saffron. Sunah nabi katanya. Then we headed straight to a goldsmith shop just to weight Dinky'y Aeisyah hair. It was RM7++.++! Kaaacchhingggg!
Teddy bears and seas of blue
Smiling in honor of you
An infant, not long ago
Now, one candle is aglow
You are growing up so fast
How quickly a year has passed
You are special, sweet, and wise
A present before our eyes.
For a year, I’ve watched you shine
An angel I can call mine
Sent from Heaven, just for me
Filled with hope and dignity
A blessing, now and always
You brighten all of my days
Precious child, I love you so
More than anyone could know.
Baby’s breath and sun-filled skies
Ladybugs and lullabies
Starry nights and bright moonbeams
Tender hearts and lasting dreams
Each, a gift within your view
During this time, made for you
May only good things come your way
On this, your very first birthday.
By Jill Eisnaugle
eppy burfday aeisyah!!!
wahhh anak merdeka la :)
Aeisyah kuar at 1212 am. Time tgh push tu, dpt dengar bunyi mercun kat Kuantan
wah... aiesyah baby merdeka rupanya...
happy birthday dear...
btw, x paham part u weight her hair.. mmg ada ke service tu??
-mama emma-
Salam, just nak tanye..dekat kemaman tuh sekarang nih kat mana u hantar ur daughter? Dulu ader problem babysitter kan? Eheheh..just curious nak tahu jer...Btw, Happy Belated Birthday Aeisyah!!! Comel btolll...Putih melepak...
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