Well, as a teacher, I envision that Dinky Aeisyah will be a reader when she grows up. But if I don't encourage her or read to her, how can she becomes one. Hence, I've been trying to buy her at least a book a month. Right now I'm concentrating on buying board books first. When Dinky Aeisyah reach the "can not tear any paper I encounter" phase, then I'll upgrade her to a picture book. Well, a good board book will cost you around RM 30 and above. It's not cheap but to me it's an investment for my child. A Grolier salesperson once gave his opinion on my decision on not buying his books because I want to keep my option open on those great books in the market.
"Madam, if you want to buy those books, one by one, it will take ages just to build up your own little library."
Well, I don't mind at all, because I'm determine that Dinky Aeisyah should be exposed to different types of writing of different writer.
I happened to come across this blog that focusing on reviews on a lot of children books. A very dedicated blog on books. Run by two moms who are a reader themselves, they write books that they munchkins read on Sundays, books to teach on certain concept such as 'death' and so on. Such a great blog!
i 'almost' give up nak beli buku kat ryan... bukannye dia nak tgk pun.. newspaper yg kita dok tgk itu yg dia nak...
hu hu....
-mama emma-
Emma, Ryan kan baby boy mestilah cergas compared to baby girl. apa yg i baca, skarang ni anak2 kita dalam phase to emulate adults. kita baca paper, dia pun nak baca paper. cuba try u yg baca buku dia. buat2lah mcm best nye buku ni sampai nak tido pun dgn buku ni. buku Ryan, u yang pilih ker, Ryan yg pilih?
What gorgeous photos of reading in action - and of one of our favourites, Dear Zoo! Thanks for mentioning us on your lovely site!
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