Tuesday, December 15, 2009

My Newest Gadget

Gadget idaman semua mommies yang breastfeed sudah menjadi MILIKKU! Finally, after been dreaming for more than a year, dah ada reason to upgrade my PISA yang actually still mantopp. Bought it from ebay because it's way lot cheaper. Mr Vediaz's friend offered to buy it at US because she's going back to her parents for Christmas. Tapi kan, can not tahan anymore :) Dapat jer kad oren dari Pos Malaysia, I asked Mr Vediaz to pick it up immediately. That very night, I charged the motor first.

This is the motor. So small and light. Not that berkenan with the hands-free option tapi ok lah. The sound quite loud but I can live with that. The suction is gentler than PISA and my pumping output is quite the same with PISA.

All parts that had been wash and air dried. Inilah kerja makcik sepanjang cuti sekolah. Wash, pump, store, wash again...Bab membasuh ni yang haru sangat. If only I have a dishwasher!

My first yield with my Freestyle a.k.a Pam GayaBebas. These are from my pumping session after feed. On the left is the new 2 oz Momsprecious bottle. Cute kan. Me like that cute bottle. Harapnya, I tak malas pump lah. Kalau tak, Mr Vediaz will kill me!

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