Tuesday, December 15, 2009

My Newest Gadget

Gadget idaman semua mommies yang breastfeed sudah menjadi MILIKKU! Finally, after been dreaming for more than a year, dah ada reason to upgrade my PISA yang actually still mantopp. Bought it from ebay because it's way lot cheaper. Mr Vediaz's friend offered to buy it at US because she's going back to her parents for Christmas. Tapi kan, can not tahan anymore :) Dapat jer kad oren dari Pos Malaysia, I asked Mr Vediaz to pick it up immediately. That very night, I charged the motor first.

This is the motor. So small and light. Not that berkenan with the hands-free option tapi ok lah. The sound quite loud but I can live with that. The suction is gentler than PISA and my pumping output is quite the same with PISA.

All parts that had been wash and air dried. Inilah kerja makcik sepanjang cuti sekolah. Wash, pump, store, wash again...Bab membasuh ni yang haru sangat. If only I have a dishwasher!

My first yield with my Freestyle a.k.a Pam GayaBebas. These are from my pumping session after feed. On the left is the new 2 oz Momsprecious bottle. Cute kan. Me like that cute bottle. Harapnya, I tak malas pump lah. Kalau tak, Mr Vediaz will kill me!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

2 Months Old Dinky Alif

Dinky Alif is now 2 months old. Yesterday Mr Vediaz and I brought Dinky Alif to the nearest Klinik Kesihatan to have him jab. He was due for the second dose of his immunization. During Dinky Aeisyah time, she had her jabs at Mr Vediaz panel clinic at Kerteh. Due to the heavy rain plus the awful condition of Chukai's bridge, baik lah tak payah pegi Kerteh. Sangkut jam.

Back to Dinky Alif, he is now weight at 5.4kg. 1 kilo more than Dinky Aeisyah when she was 2 months old. Adakah kerana Dinky Alif is a boy? Right now, Dinky Alif starts to make cooing sound. Kuat sangat geliat sampai Mr Vediaz selalu terjaga tengah malam sebab ingat dia terjaga or whatsoever. He sleeps well at night. Same during the confinement. Easy peasy nak jaga Dinky Alif. Maybe he is a breastfeed baby so he is less cranky. Dinky Aeisyah pun senang cuma she wide awake at 3 am and cried. Time tu first time parents kan, so tension lah. He loves being wrapped in my Moby Wrap starting from Maghrib till 10 or 11 at night. Yang ni sebab perut kembung. Bila wrap dia, confirm tido lentuk punyer. Macam mana lah nak kurangkan kembung baby ni yer?

Look At What I Have Won

Few months back, Ajasu of Mybreastpumpshop organized this giveaway. And guess what, I won one of the giveaways. Alhamdulillah.

My prize is a set of 3 Medela feeding bottles, including teats and one Quick Clean Micro-Steam Bag. Retail jer I rasa more than RM70. Tak sabar nak guna bag tu. 20 usage per bag. But from what I read in Babycentre forum, ada mommies yang guna more than 20 times. The prize came at the utmost right time. Skarang ni tengah buat stock giler-giler. So the free bottles really add to my collection of Bumblebee and Moms Precious.

Thanks a lot Aja! Pas bersalin nanti, bolehlah organize lagi yer!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Melaram Part 2

Remember this post? Well, this one is another version of Dinky Aeisyah when she has this 'melaram' thing!

Mr Vediaz's industrial spec.


Ohoo...beg ini...my emak gave Dinky Aeisyah this bag after she went berserk on something. To calm the 'amok' Dinky Aeisyah, my emak bribed her with this flowery pinky bag. She even brought the bag out. Look just how she carried the bag. Hahaha! Macam budak besar tapi baru 2 tahun.

I nak pergi pasar. Sesapa nak ikut :) !

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

90 oz...

Last week, went back to Bangi. 4 hari jugak. While I was at my MIL's, I tried to pump after several feedings tapi takdelah jakun bebenor macam kat rumah sendiri kan ;). Dapatlah dalam 14 oz. Masa labelling each bottle with date and time, SIL and anak sedara Mr Vediaz pun ada tanya I nak buat apa tu. Kat SIL bagitau bila dah label senang tau bila susu dah expired. Kat anak sedara siap explain yang susu tu untuk stok kat nursery sebab nak BF exclusively kononnyer! Sampai Kemaman dah pukul 1 pagi. Mr Vediaz masuk rumah, switch on lampu tak nyala. Tersentap jugak lah suami sebab mengenangkan susu dalam freezer. Bila di informkan the house was tripp...I was like stone ajelah. Got nothing to say dah.

Thawed breast milk. Still ok, but cannot be frozen anymore. Everything had to go down the drain...

Washed all the bottles that very night.

This is my stock level sheet. Took it from Jazzmint site.

Right now, I start stocking up from 14 oz that I pumped at MIL's house. For the past 10 days, target orang is 8 oz to 10 oz a day. Ambitious nyer but I have to what I have to do.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


It's been a while tak update blog nih. Seen above is Dinky Aeisyah, posing with my sister's 'cheapo' sunglasses. She accidentally found the spec in my sister's Kenari and couldn't let her hands off :).

Kejap-kejap, tengok cermin, checking herself out. Masuk toilet pun pakai spec. When she was having her tea at the kitchen, she took off spec, drink tea, wear spec, took off spec, drink tea again.

My sister managed to hide her spec but Dinky Aeisyah found my emak's sunglasses pulak. Such a POSER!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Eventhough I'm on confinement, I'm busy juggling with two kiddos and establishing milk supply. With Dinky Aeisyah, she was mixed feeding due to lack of knowledge. I thought that breastfeeding was a natural thing. Boy was I wrong! It was a bumpy road, but I managed to maintain the supply for her up till she was 8 months old.

With Dinky Alif, I'm fully prepared. The first nursing wasn't easy because I coudn't move. Few well meaning relatives suggested that I took it slow so that I could recuperate after the surgery. I buat donno jerk :). Dinky Alif is now on exclusive feeding with breastmilk. He is gaining well and his jaundice is clearing out.

Right now, I'm busy calibrating my supply. I'm pumping after few feeds including the night feeds. Letihnyer...but it's part of the plan.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Ah Naa!

Ah Naa (Mak Naa @ Kak Naa) is Dinky Aeisyah's auntie and she is is my sister, the fourth one among my siblings. She was borne normal but due to an accident, she suffered a brain trauma that makes her a special child. She is straightforward, loves shopping, sightseeing and all childish.

Me : Kak Naa, ajak Aeisyah pergi dapur amik roti.
Kak Naa : (Buat donno jer)
Me : Cakap dengan Aeisyah, jom pergi dapur amik roti.
Kak Naa : (No respon)
Dinky Aeisyah : Ah Naa! Jom apur! Oti! (excited tone)


Saturday, October 3, 2009

Introducing My New Bundle Of Joy

  • DOB : 25th of September 2009
  • Time : 0910 am
  • Weight : 3.2 kg
  • Length : (Will update soon! haven't found my emak's measurement tape!)
  • Head Circumference : (Will update soon! haven't found my emak's measurement tape!)

Hi everyone! My full name is Alif Hamzah.

Now I desperately need a new header for this blog...bilalah nak buat nih???

Under Confinement

Right now I'm having my confinement at my emak's at Kuala Terengganu. Still I have to do some paperwork done because during Raya I was too tired to concentrate on the computer screen. My 'tukang urut' will be coming next Monday because she have a 'kenduri' at KL and will be back tomorrow. I'm not taking my 'jamu' yet because Dinky Alif is having a mild jaundice. This morning, his bilirubin level drops from 201 to 180. The government nurses advise me to breastfeed more often, like half an hour or an hour interval. Mr Vediaz went back to our house this morning since he starts to work tomorrow after 2 weeks leave.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

My Best Best Bestest friend!

Dinky Aeisyah has a new best friend! She is her cousin from Mr Vediaz side. They play together, eat together, blow flute together. Before Raya, both of them were not this close. For the past few days we physically need to separate them when it is bed time hours...SIGH...

Seen here, Dinky Aeisyah with her cousin, Adina.

Fooling around under the banquet table! Their play gym!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Selamat hari Raya To All!

Selamat Hari Raya yer! I arrived at Bangi, my MIL's home yesterday. Mr Vediaz, Dinky Aeisyah and I departed early in the morning. We didn't hit the bed right after sahur! Usually, departing early in the morning is something that we don't do :) This year is a record to beat!

By the time of typing, the atmosphere is filling with the sound of illegal firecrackers. Including from our resident! My MIL is finishing her rendang daging, Melaka style. I half way finished my peeling with ground nut while eating pineapple tart! Mr Vediaz had finish boiling his ketupat bawang and ketupat Adabi.

The rendang! I tak masak, I amik gambar jer!

Jangan main-main tau, Mr Vediaz pandai anyam ketupat. I pun tak pandai!

This morning, three of us went to Prince Court Medical Centre. I'm transferring my labour over there because my gynae at Kuantan Specialist Hospital has advised to stay put at Bangi right to my 38 weeks of gestation. So, my cesarean operation is schedule on the sixth day of Raya, this coming 25th. Pray for my delivery kay!

Dinky Aeisyah, slimming down for raya!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Preparation For Raya

Well, most mom bloggers are talking about their Hari Raya preparation alas for me, there is not much on Hari Raya. I definitely don't prepare any baju raya. Mr Vediaz will be wearing his last years' baju melayu except for Dinky Aeisyah, she has few sets of new clothes just for Raya. Same as last year, I don't bake any cookies. I plainly order it but this year from my next neighbour.

Few days back, Mr Vediaz said that we haven't put up any pelita like other houses. I told him, we didn't have the time to search for pelita as we don't have time to shop in weekdays. This is because Mr Vediaz reaches home around 6pm or 6.30pm. Jangan kata nak keluar lepas Terawih, nak pergi bazar pun tak sempat. By Friday we will be going back to Bangi because this year is Mr Vediaz turns. After that I will be operated on the sixth Raya due to my pregnancy complication. Then, I'll be in confinement. Well, soo much for Raya this year. During Raya, my gynae, Dr. Suraya even suggested that I'm not advised to jalan-jalan soo much on Hari Raya, like balik kampung, in case I bleed in the middle of PLUS highway or better yet, kampung road. I better be around Bangi and KL for that matter.

Starting form last Friday, my gynae has given me a 6 days medical leave. So, today I'm at home, blogging and doing some laundry. If it is up to GH, I will be warded from the last two weeks up till 38 weeks of pregnancy. Apalah makcik nak buat? However, I need to go to my school to settle some paperwoks before Raya since I'm not coming back to school up to next year! Ngeng ngeng ngeng! My maternity leave will follow suit with the school holiday. Seronok gak makcik!

For the time being I'm basically preparing for my cesarean, mentally and physically. Praying for the best!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Berbuka...Di Rumah Emak...

I went back to my hometown yesterday and it's been blissful as ever. Yesterday my emak cooked nasi tomato and kuih putat. Today, our menu is soto and roti jala with kuah durian. YUMMY! Mr Vediaz and I had this conversation yersterday when we was on our way back just after I talked with my emak over the phone, informing my whereabouts.

Mr Vediaz: "Apsal mak bersungguh sangat masak nih?"
Me: "Loer! Anak dia nak balik. Mesti lah masak sedap-sedap kan!"
Mr Vediaz: "Tapi bersungguh sangat la plak"
Me: "Itulah namanya 'emak'. Anak nak balik mesti tanya nak makan apa."
Mr Vediaz: "Emak kan. Mesti macam tu. Nanti Ibu mesti macam tu"
Me: "Taklah. Anak-anak nak makan masak sendiri!"
(We both smiled)

That is how we remember our emak. Her cookings, her affections, her attentions to details. Bebelan and ngomelan tak usah cakap lah kan! Hopefully, when our emak is much more older, we can take care of her just like the way she took care of us. Insya-Allah.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Lunapads just release a new print for their summer collection. ME LIKE! It is called Magenta Mandala and it is an organic cotton. Aiyoo! Makcik dah beli print lain, print baru plak keluar!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Toddler Tantrums

This is how Dinky Aeisyah reacts whenever I make a 'poyo' look to her request. The video showed what happened on the second day of puasa. Dinky Aeisyah purposely took off her sippy cup straw. She tried to put it back but failed. So, she try to coerce me into the task however I turned my head somewhere else and said that she should do it by herself. Suddenly, she began snapping and yelling out!

I guess that is how a toddler reacts when he or her demands are not being met. Alahai...anak dara dah besar...

Monday, August 24, 2009

Fasting In Pregnancy

Today is the third day of Ramadhan. Well, for me, yesterday was the worst day ever. I missed my sahur and no doubt I was feeling dizzy by 1100 am, lethargy by 1200 pm and Dinky Boo 2 was kicking like he@# inside of me. Story short, I broke my fast at 200 pm. No doubt that fasting during you are pregnant is way different than your average self. For today's sahur, I took a plate of rice, 1 glass of full cream milk (can't stand to drink Anmum!), try to drink glucose water but the taste was YUCKY! and drank a lot of water whick made me couldn't move for 5 minutes due to overload! Hahaha! There are lot of few things to consider when you are pregnant and fasting. As for me:

  • Send Dinky Aeisyah to nursery so that I can rest a lot eventhough it is already school holiday! (kes mengada nih!)
  • Do my cooking after Zuhur prayer.
  • Do my sahur cooking before goes to sleep. Before this, I cooked in the wee hour of 430 am.
  • Get over the fact that I can buy some kuih muih instead of cooking it.
Well, the routine will last only till tomorrow. This Wednesday, three of us will be at KL for 4 days straight. Then the school opens as usual. I will be having extra classes for Year 6 students and this make me thing, how will I survive it...? My current plan is...
  • Sahur 500 am
  • Go to school 730 am
  • School ends 135 pm
  • Extra class starts 230 pm
  • Extra class ends 400 pm
  • Go to Bazar Ramadhan 420 pm (which is conveniently located in front of Dinky Aeisyah's nursery!)
  • Pick up Dinky Aeisyah 445 pm
  • Arrive home 500pm
  • Mr Vediaz gets home 615 pm
  • Break the fast 720 pm

If you want to know more about fasting in pregnancy, MommyLyna wrote a post about it. Do check it out.

Below are some articles that I have taken from BabyCenter Malaysia.

Fasting in pregnancy

Is it safe?

There are not many medical studies looking at the effects of fasting, but fasting appears to be generally safe in pregnancy.

Here’s what we do know:

  • Several studies looked at birth weights. They found no difference between the babies of mothers who fasted, and the babies of mothers who did not fast.
  • Some studies have looked at the baby’s IQ and found no differences.
  • Some studies took blood samples from fasting mothers and found that changes did occur. But the changes did not appear to harm the mothers or their babies. The studies compared the babies' birth weights and found no difference.

Women whose weight and lifestyle are generally healthy seem to cope well with fasting. And it may depend on several factors, such as:

  • What stage you are in your pregnancy – in general fasting in pregnancy is best tolerated by mothers in the second trimester. Mine is already third trimester!
  • Your general health before pregnancy and presence of any problems during the pregnancy.

Many – and probably the majority – of pregnant Muslim women choose to fast in Ramadan. Some surveys suggest up to 70 per cent of women will choose to fast. Particularly if you are in the second trimester of pregnancy when most mothers feel much better generally compared to the first and third trimesters, and you are healthy, you may certainly fast in Ramadan.

Nevertheless, Islam allows pregnant mothers not to fast if there are any concerns of effects of fasting on the individual mother or baby, provided the mother replaces the fast later, after the pregnancy is over. Those with diabetes in pregnancy may want to discuss it with their doctors first. Talk to your family, your doctor and a trusted religious authority to help you consider your options.

Is there anything I should do before fasting?

Plan ahead to make things easier during Ramadan. YUPP!

• Talk to your employer about managing your work during Ramadan. Some companies have their operational or working hours reduced during this time. (Extra class, oh extra class...)

• Start preparing early by doing shopping and errands before the fast.

What's the best way to break the fast?

Be sure to have a variety of healthy food and plenty to drink when you break your fast and at sahur.

  • Choose foods that release energy slowly - such as dates, beans and lentils – to break the fast.
  • Avoid sugary foods that will raise your blood sugar levels quickly – it will also drop quickly, and this can make you feel faint and dizzy.
  • Make sure you get plenty of protein from beans, nuts and well-cooked meat and eggs. Protein is needed to help your baby grow well.
  • Drink plenty of fluids overnight. You can become dehydrated especially when Ramadan falls in very hot weather.

Are there warning signs I should know about?

Contact your doctor if:

  • You feel dizzy faint, weak or tired. Rest for half an hour to see if you feel better. If there is no change, talk to your doctor.
  • You become nauseous or start vomiting.
  • There is a noticeable change in your baby's movement. If you feel that your baby is not moving around or kicking much, it is very important to talk with your doctor.
  • You become very thirsty or your urine becomes dark-coloured and strong-smelling. This is a sign of dehydration.
  • You notice contraction-like pains. This could be a sign of premature labour and you should talk to your doctor straight away.
  • You are not putting on weight, or are losing weight.
  • You develop a headache or other pains, or a fever.
How can I make fasting in pregnancy easier?
  • Plan your days so that you can take regular rests.
  • Avoid walking long distances and carrying anything heavy.
  • Keep cool – you can become dehydrated quickly and that's not good for you or your baby.
  • Ask the other women in your family for tips and suggestions about how to cope while you are pregnant.
  • Eat and drink wisely when you break your fast.

Generally, just take things easy and accept help when it is offered. Although the rest of your family and friends may stay up late, you may need to mark this Ramadan with more quiet, restful time.

Tips for a healthy fast

How can I make fasting easier?

If you fast, you will not be eating small meals every few hours, but you can still eat more than only two meals after breaking fast until sahur.

Having well-balanced, nutritious meals will help maintain your weight and prevent constipation, headache, indigestion , lethargy and heartburn – symptoms that are common during this period.

Is there any ideal way for pregnant women to break their fast?

There is no ideal meal plan that you should follow strictly, but try these tips on the best ways to break your fast.

  • Break your fast with three dates and juice, low-fat milk or yoghurt, followed by soup, preferably clear-based.
  • Dates and juices are good foods to bring low blood sugar levels back to normal.
Then eat a well-balanced meal that may include:
  • a plate of salad or ulam as a starter;
  • protein from chicken, meat or fish, or lentils, chickpeas or beans;
  • complex carbohydrates from brown rice and wholewheat bread;
  • and, a large amount of vegetables.
Do not forget to avoid high-fat meals to prevent weight gain, filling up on poor nutrients and indigestion.

Do I have to eat a sahur meal?

The sahur meal is one of the most important meals to consume during Ramadan to keep your energy levels up during the day. Do not skip this meal as it will provide you with important nutrients and the energy you need to get through the day. It will also decrease hunger symptoms, such as headache and sleepiness.

Your healthy sahur meal could include:

  • brown rice and wholewheat bread with kurma or a light curry;
  • bran or high-fibre cereal with low-fat or skimmed milk;
  • and, fruit, including dates and bananas.

Avoid too much tea at this time, which can make you dehydrated.

I love drinking coffee and/or tea after buka puasa; how can I substitute them?

Drink fresh fruit juices instead of fizzy drinks or coffee and tea. A fruit smoothie made with some milk, yoghurt, ice and fruit makes a refreshing drink and gives you plenty of your daily fruit allowance (Yayyy! Reason to buy smoothies!). A vegetable soup will give you several different vegetables, which will add vitamins, minerals and fibre to your diet.

What should I include and avoid in my diet during Ramadan?

To follow a healthy fast, keep in mind the above tips when eating and:
  • After dinner, relax for a while and then get up and move around. Participate in some light activity.
  • Avoid snacking late in the evening before sleeping, but be sure to take your sahur meal.
  • Drink plenty of water after buka puasa and before sahur to prevent dehydration.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

My Rootote

Last week, I suddenly remembered that I didn't give my twins sisters, Salwa and Nadia, ANYTHING on their 21st birthday. Kedekut punyer kakak! While thinking very hard, I figured that they need something practical and both of them can exchange that THING whenever they like it since they definitely can't share boyfriends! In the time I was picking the pressies, I was like, I can buy one for myself too! Hehehe...Makcik tamak!

So, I ordered these three things from Tinytapir and it arrived yesterday at a courier company. I had to picked the parcel this evening because when the delivery boy came, I was upstairs and didn't hear his screams!

It is a Rootote!

Don't mind the blur picture. I'm still using the 'kokak' version of Canon Powershot.

Mine is slightly expensive than the ones that I bought for my sisters! Sorry girls, I'm the one who fork out the money, so I deserved something fancy than both of you! Let me enlighten you of Rootote. It is from Japan and it is all about ecobag. The company, Superplanning, has a big range of bags. The one that I bought is from the Medium size of basic line. The basic line itself has Grande size, Tall size and Plain. Then, they have this Thermo-Keeper that you can use to bring cold items such as soft drinks. There are still much more.

The two pockets are generous in sizing. It even can accomodate my big 'shocking pick' purse. My bag has only two pockets and a magnetic clasp. My sisters' bag has three pockets inside.

It even has a side pocket. I can keep my handphone in this pocket. It easier to take a handphone out rather than rummaging into the tote. This one is a standard feature of a Rootote. The pocket is adapted from a kangaroo pouch which explains their kangaroo logo. The material is laminating non PVC (non toxic when burned, does not emit toxic gasses over time) cotton, and the handles are made from Polyurethane.

Rootote also has a Roo Carriage. It fits my medium size tote. This is to help your tote to be much more organized. Yeah! I can even visualise my new tote having this inside!

To Salwa and Nadia, Happy Belated Birthday! Sorry that the presents are way overdue. I hope you like the tote eventhough they are still with me at Kemaman. At least you both know what you are getting!

Missed Sahur

Alamak! Today Mr Vediaz and I missed our second day of sahur! Last night I had a stomach cramped that led to a visit to the loo :) So I slept at 200am in the morning. As for Mr Vediaz, I'm his human clock for sahur, I terbabas, dia double terbabas! Mr Vediaz warned me that if I do feel lethargic, dehydrated whatsoever, he wants me to break my fast. UMMMM...

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Ramadhan Mubarak

Selamat Menyambut bulan Ramadhan kepada semua! Bermulalah episod bangun awal nak masak sahur, buka posa ada bazar kan!

Still remember my fisrt sahur with Mr Vediaz...:) We were not even dating yet at that time. He stayed at my parents' house on that last day of Syaaban. Both of us couldn't remember why he crashed at the house. My emak cooked nasi goreng for that first sahur. Kesian Mr Vediaz sahur sorang2, I pun teman lah dia sahur kat guest room tu. Nostalgic betul! Past forward 5 years later, I'm the one whom get up early and cook something for the sahur. When we first got married, I was terrified a bit because it always my emak whom prepare the sahur. Then, it's my turn plak! Sahlah anak emak ni pemalas!

Tapi confirm lagi rajin than my brothers. My elder bro is building his stomach! My first younger bro is size does matter! My youngest bro is building his wealth. Entah bila lah nak kaya tu? My younger twins sister pun ringan tulang (puji sket!). As usual, I'm the bossy one because I'm the first daughter of the house!

This year of Ramadhan will be the same as last years except that I'm expecting. Mr Vediaz isn't very keen on me trying to fast because he is afraid with my condition right now. But today I'm fasting, hopefully everything will be okay.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

My Precioussss......

Last Tuesday I got back late from my school. Then I discovered a parcel that had been dropped on the porch. Disappointed with how the parcel arrived, I quickly grabbed the parcel and brought it in. It was...

Yayy! my new set of cloth pad from Lunapads! I placed my order in early August because they were having a 24 hours of 15% sale. It's not much but I'd managed to save on shipping. This is a fraction of my postpartum plan. I already have 2 pieces of Maxi Pad from Lunapads that I bought from Miabambina. Since my budget was tight last year, I haven't fully converted myself to cloth pad user. This year, I got preggy with Dinky Boo 2, so no need to use pad for almost a year. Mr Vediaz had a big laugh when he saw the pictures taken.

Mr Vediaz : Ibu nak buat apa amik gambo pad baru nih?
Me : Put it in my blog loer!
Mr Vediaz : Mana ada orang citer pasal pad nih?
Me : Ada lah. Ibu lah orang nyer!

When I opened the envelope, all pads and liners were wrapped nicely. ME LIKE! Lunapads even jot down the wrapper's name on my billing bill. They are a lot of mix review on Lunapads. However, I love their design whereas I just need few base in a day but change the liners frequently. With this purchase, I bought a lot of bamboo liners because no doubt during the postpartum, I need more liners than usual. The bamboo liner are soo soft tau! At first, I was considering the pospartum set, however declined to buy that one. I read a post by the owner of Lunapads that it is better to invest on several heavy pads and lots of liners instead of pospartum pads. Investment in the long run she said.

Over jer I rasa tayang-tayang cloth pad ni!
But, nowadays a lot of mommies out there who are brave enough to try these cloth pad. A full review on Lunapads, homemade from Etsy, Malaysian versions, organic one and a lot more!

Personally, it doesn't smell, the menstrual is lighter and doesn't feel itchy at all. Washing it is a breeze. Just like cloth diaper. After this, I need to get myself this! After my postpartum, I might not need these pads because I'm planning to breastfeed Dinky Boo 2. Well, takpelah yer! As long as makcik heppi!

These are my new pads (as requested by mama shmontel *wink*). The left one is pistachio paisley. I believe, Pleats does have this print also. The right one is cupcakes. Cute kan!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Cervical Cancer Vaccine

Last Saturday I had my bi-weekly appointment with my gynae. Apart from discussing my labour plan and did regular scan, I asked her about the cervical cancer vaccine. I was curious after I read on Mrs Noba post about the vaccine. I thought the vaccine only works for those whom not yet married but are sexually active. Boy, was I wrong!

My gynae explained that married women also need to take the vaccine because it can protect us from HPV (Human Papillomavirus) related diseeses. The vaccine can protect the married brood for 70% and the rest of 30% chances of getting the cervical cancer can be protected by having the annual pap smear. Yes ladies! Read up, we still need to perform our pap smear.

The expensive ones is Gardasil which cost you RM400 per jab and you need to take 3 jabs altogether. So, total will be RM1200! A hefty sum but there is a cheaper vaccine if I'm not mistaken. I think the other vaccine cost around RM600 for 3 jabs. A lot cheaper though. My gynae also informed me most of her patient that took the vaccine were Chinese. Kalau Malays, dia kata berbuih mulut nak suruh buat pap smear! Since my gynae is a doctor at a private hospital, the cost will be higher. Maybe we can ask around the GH if they can offer us a better price for the vaccine.

Mr Vediaz said that as long as I do my regular pap smear, I will OK. But I'm considering this vaccine after my labour because I know one of my relative got a few genital warts infection and this was because of that HPV. Due to the warts, she had a miscarriage and she had to undergo a small operation to remove those warts.

So, the conclusion is, I will take the vaccine but after I labour Dinky Boo 2!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

It's Confirm...

My gynae had confirm that I'm having Placenta Previa Posterior Type 3. Alhamdulillah that I'm not experiencing any bleeding yet. I was advice to be aware of any blood staining when I reach my 33 weeks.

For the time being, there is no chances that I can have a normal labour due to my condition. My gynae is hoping that my pregnancy will last to at least 35 weeks because both pediatrics at the panel hospital that I'm visiting will not accept a baby that is born less than 35 weeks. However, Mr Vediaz and I are very worry with all the H1N1 cases at Kuantan. Too many cases lah. Even Pahang Royals are also got infected!

Went to Klinik Kesihatan last Tuesday. The doctor was so worried and immediately called her specialist. Her specialist informed me that for my condition, I am advised to be warded when I'm 34 weeks pregnant. It is GH's protocol when dealing with high risk of Placenta Previa. Tapikan doktor, anak murid saya exam UPSR 35 minggu. Camne yek? Dr Nor'Ainzan of Klinik Kesihatan also asked about my plan of delivery. I was like, "Dunno yet".

Mr Vediaz and I are also calculating that I might deliver the baby before Hari Raya. Hope not! Kalau tak, I pantang meleleh lah air liur tengok orang makan! But Mr Vediaz says, "Takpelah, takkan nak tunggu bleeding baru nak ceaser. Dah full term, kita labour jer". But, I want to celebrate Hari Raya loer! I want to see Dinky Aeisyah's celebrate Hari Raya for the second time.

Right now, I have finished packing my hospital bag but few items are still needed to be bought. Prepared my PISA since I don't know how the breastfeeding will be like. Washed my Brestfriend Nursing Pillow. Apa lagi yer? I'll update with the latest new and we'll see how it goes :)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

This Is How I Eat!

Well, brace yourself people because this is how Dinky Aeisyah eats. Not all the time but sometimes she does. I don't focusing on table manner since we usually eat in front of the idiot box, BAD HABIT!, yeah I know. That explains on why my dear daughter sometimes end up eating like this...

Fried mee hoon battle!

I'm also stunned to what had happened to my PJ's...

My dose of Hershey's Kiss Kiss. Even my ibu won't kiss me looking like this.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Dinky Aeisyah And Her Sleeping Sack

Dinky Aeisyah sleeps in her sleeping sack. Her sleeping sack is a fleece one. I bought her two, the one that she is wearing in the picture is MollyCoddle from thebabyloft and another one is from Planet Enfant. Couldn't let myself to buy neither a Grobag nor a Jonas Jodie. Too expensive! Well these two brands are way too expensive because they are using the best cotton hence the price tag. Even the Grobag has a tog reference. Sangat lembut I tell you! Maybe some other time lah ye Aiesyah. I always calculating whenever I see a Jonas Jodie in store. Oh, I can sew this, this cotton I can buy it here ker...yadaa yadaa yadaa......Her fleece sleeping sack is not very suitable for an air-conditioned room such as ours. Terasa kedekut plak bila beli barang untuk anak sendiri...Mr Vediaz and I are using a down feather duvvet...Emmmmm...memang kedekutlah ni....

Back to Dinky Aeisyah, she can now unzipp herself out from her sleeping sack. I had to train her not to unzipp because if her does that, I will put her back inside the sack. It happenened last month and she practically staged a crying act whenever I tucked her to bed. Alah, tilam dia sebelah tilam I jer! Nangis sakan bila kena pakai sack tu. Mr Vediaz will succumb to her cries whereas I buat poyo jer. Dinky Aeisyah will yelled for her abah when I took out her sack.

Mr Vediaz : Ala ibu, Aeisyah dah big girl tu. Dia dah tak nak pakai 'karung' dia. Dia nak pakai selimut. (Muka nak memujuk yer!)
Me : Pakai selimut alamatnya tak pakai lah! Tidur punya lasak, Aeisyah ke mana, selimut pun ke mana. TAK BOLEH!

When a wife is right, she will always right! Hehehe...So, right now, Dinky Aeisyah still sleeps in her sleeping sack. I tell her that she can unzipp her sleeping sack only in the morning, night time can not lah my dear. She seems to agrees with that term. FUHHH!

Yayy! Found the zip!

Walla! Its open!

Hang in there...sket lagi nih!


Now, I can spray my face!

Play Area

No doubt that Dinky Aeisyah is getting naughtier these days. Her birthdays is just around the corner. There are 21 days left and Mr Vediaz and I haven't thought much on how are we going to celebrate her second birthday before Dinky Boo 2 arrive. For the time being, we are focusing to finish up her play area just below our staircase. We are thinking of getting her this climber...

It's from Little Tikes and it cost a fortune. Since Mr Vediaz got his 'durian runtuh' this year, alhamdulillah rezeki anak ni, he plans to splurge a little bit for his daughter's play area. There is a cheaper version of this climber at Gi@#$ but I personally don't think it will last longer as Little Tikes. My preschool class at my school has this sort of climber, a play house and a swing for two from Little Tikes for almost 7 years already and they are in pretty well condition despite of those green mould! Yikes! Takde sape ker yang nak sental lumut-lumut tu? Sayang betul!

Mr Vediaz also like to add another thing to the play area...

A basketball loop? Nak sangat anak dara dia jadi sport girl! I'm okay with that but I'm more keen on getting her a play kitchen and it has to be a DIY one. Mr Vediaz tells me that I don't have a time to do the DIY version but it seriously looks cuter than a plastic version. My older brother also agrees with me on that. If you go to Apartment Theraphy, there is a lot of DIY play kitchen and it always make me drools!

This is made mostly from IKEA parts.

Including this one with an elaborate instruction!

Well, this is the real IKEA! It is from Duktig line and will cost around 65pound! Around RM340, but a lot cheaper that Little Tikes! Don't know this will be available at our IKEA. Kalau I tau, I kirim jer kat Mak Chu I who got back from UK last month...SIGHHH...

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


He he he, I'm entering a Lunapads Giveaways which will ended soon. The giveaways will ended this 9.00am morning! Ni tengah taip laju2 because the clock is TICKING! Big thanks to Kaki Shopping who is organising this giveaway.

The lucky winner can choose one of the following:

One (1) Lunapads Sampler pack, comprising:

  • 1 Mini Pantyliner
  • 1 Maxi Pad
  • 1 Maxi Liner
  • 1 Maxi Wing Liner
  • OR

    One (1) Heavy Pad & Liner (suitable for postpartum and heavy flow use)

    I'm eyeing the Heavy Pad & Liner because I'm preparing for my second postpartum session at my mom's this October. Baru 7 months preggy dah plan macam2. My mom pun naik tak paham dah, cloth diaper lah, cloth pad lah...Rilek yer mak!

    Thursday, July 9, 2009

    Being Me

    Dinky Aeisyah is already 1 year and 9 months old and develops a lot of antic acts. Thanks to her "sifu" back at her nursery. She loves chanting "be bo be bo be" a lot and I know to whatever she is referring whenever she does that. Does a lot of domestic chores with me such as laundry, cooking and dishes, more like pestering really.

    Propping her head while counting her shillings.

    Can wash her hands on her own with a help from 'bangku plastik'.

    Whenever she does her funny act, like 'buat-buat menangis', she reminds of her when she was still a few months old. Cepatnya dia jadi budak besar...