Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Baju Dan Cat...

As a government servant, we are bound to certain laws and latest circulars. The most popular one is the circular that stated that we need to wear 'baju batik' on every Thursday of every week. Indeed an angel in disguise, it gives me reason to buy new silk just to add to my stash :) So, last week, I wore my new 'kebaya batik' to school. Before this, the only 'kebaya' that I have is my engagement 'kebaya', nikah 'kebaya', and kenduri 'kebaya'. The kenduri kebaya is my fave one because the material is the original 'songket bunga tabur', a real classic one. Last year I started to tempah few kebaya's because I find this malay tailor at Kemaman, that sew a really nice kebaya at a resonable price. Back to my new sutera kebaya, on that Thursday, I wore it with my munawwarah (of course!). I bought the matching selendang T before I sent the fabric to the tailor. I still remember the hurdles that I gone through just to get the matching munawwarah. So, I felt that I was presentable more than ever on that day. Few teachers even asked me where did I got the 'kain sutera' and so on and on (bertambah terangkat lah makcik). After all the asking and answering session, I had a year 3 class to attend to. When I entered the class, all pupils were looking at me because that is our first week of school so everything felt so new. Later on, all the pupils recited their du'a. Then, when the reciting has finished, the unexpected thing happened...

"Teacher, kenapa baju Teacher tu kena cat? Guane jadi gitu?"

Alahai, anak muridku...baju Teacher yg mahal ni bukan kena cat daa! I spent like 5 minutes just to clear out the confusion that the 'cat' thing on my kebaya is just part of the print's design. The best part was, there is this talkative girl who suddenly came to me and started to check out my 'kebaya' closely then asked about this and that. Then, more kids came out! It took 5 minutes of explanation because of the non-stop pouring of questioning. When a pupil starts a conversation, ten more pupils will follow suit, simply asking the same question...And, it's my job to repeat the same answer for God knows how many times :). Children, sometimes they blurt unexpected remarks on anything and most of the time their comments are as sincere as their gazes. Well, I guess I can live with that, and it is not that bad.

Take a peek at the 'cat' on my kebaya...srot...srot

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Her First Injury

Last Friday, I had to send Dinky Aeisyah to her teacher's house for a daycare. This is because, I'm teaching from Monday till Friday but all nurseries at Kemaman is open from Sunday to Thursday plus Mr Vediaz had a training at NIOSH. Dinky Aeisyah is totally attach to her Teacher Ida who is residing at her parent's home at a nearby village. Well, I can ask Teacher Ida to babysit Dinky Aeisyah at the nursery but me being me :-), I want Dinky Aeisyah has a fair time spend at a 'kampung' house. The wooden floor, the wooden stairs, the clucking sound of a chicken and etc. I've sent Dinky Aeisyah before to Teacher Ida's house and she seems to like it there. But, something had happened on last Friday.


Poor Dinky Aeisyah...she accidentally hit the toillet's door right on her upper nose (betul ke tak nama part ni) Teacher Ida kept apologizing when I fetched Dinky Aeisyah. Upon seeing Dinky Aeisyah at the front door, I noticed the dark brown thingy on Dinky Aeisyah face. I asked Teacher Ida what is that. Teacher Ida explained that her mom put a mixture of cinnamon and gamat oil on that bruise. Cinnamon to reduce the swelling and gamat oil for wound.

She seems alright and she didn't vomit whatsoever until she slept that night. Oh boy, the bruised part was swelling for a day. Just ignore Dinky Aeisyah's comotness.

This was taken on Saturday's morning. The swelling has reduced but there is a MARK on her face. Alahai, bertandalah muka anak aku!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

It's Time To Write

When Dinky Aeisyah was 8 months old, I gave her a pencil to play with, just want to see how she will handle with that. Well, for babies, any objects that are being placed on their palm are considered edible. At that time, Dinky Aeisyah tried to munch my pencil several times. By the time she was 10 months old, I bought her a box of Crayola crayons and the crayons are label as non-toxic. Just being safe :) That time, whenever she wanted to give those crayons a bite, she tilted her head a bit and gave Mr Vediaz and me a cheeky look, then WHOOPP! the crayon went into her mouth. At 14 months, she finally came to her senses that crayons, ball pens and pencils are not edible but tools that she can use to leave her signatures everywhere around the house including the WALL! After several days of training and a sketch book, she now scribbles on the book, well, most of the time. Alhamdulillah, she can hold the pencil in a correct way. Teaching a child to hold a pencil properly is crucial because I'm a primary teacher and I've seen a lot of my pupils who still can't hold their pencil correctly From my training, this will affect their writing and the speed of writing but please correct me if I'm wrong. These pictures were taken early in the morning and Dinky Aeisyah has not taken her bath yet hence all the pyjamas. Forgive her Ibu for being lazy :)

Look what I found! A Pilot pen and my sketch book!

Scribles, scribles, scribles all the way, ho ho ho ho...

Back cover pun nak jugak!

Now, I'm trying to scrible with my eyes close....WALLLAAA!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Busy As A Bee? More To That....

It seems that I haven't update my blog regularly. Rite now I busy with the new school's term. Here is my checklist....
1) Teaching Record Book
2) Clean the computer lab
3) Yearly scheme of work (4 subjects)
4) Pupils name list (6 classes altogether)
5) Computer lab meeting
6) Year 6 strategic planning
7) Other classes strategic planning
8) Select the choral speaking team

so many works to be done within a month....