Thursday, October 23, 2008

My New Indulgence

A week before Raya, I finally got my overdue birthday present from Mr Vediaz. He wanted to get a new sewing machine for me because I always borrowed my emak's Singer. Actually he bored watching the scene where I got to my emak's home, lugged the machine back to Kemaman, my emak visited me at Kemaman, she lugged her machine back to Kuala Terengganu. I've been eyeing a Janome machine for a few months already but hesitated a bit because there isn't any Epal Training Centre nearby (ie: Kuantan or Kuala Terengganu). Mr Vediaz didn't fancy Janome because he likes Singer better considering that a Singer machine is easier to maintain. His mom also has a Singer hence the preferences. After a lot of reasearching, I contacted a Janome agent in a forum and I managed to grab a RM500 voucher from her. So, Janome it is.

My preciousssss.........

From Left: Learning kit, pattern books, Magic Kit

Main functions:
- 22 sewing patterns including: jahit tepi, jahit lurus, button sewing, embroidery (without using the embroidery sewing frame), one step button hole sewing, zipper sewing, and jahit sembat. - can sew on thick fabric like leather and jeans.
- can sew on elastic fabric.

- double sewing (double sewing needle given for free)
- adjustable sewing size (broad and narrow sewing pattern)
- adjustable distance in between sewing pattern.
- sewing light
- thread cutter
- reverse sewing
- removable free arm.
- sewing plate with scale.

Suitable for:
- quilting
- clothing
- applique
- patchwork
- embroidery
- house interior decoration
- craft

From my experience, my 2049 performance is as a good as a Singer machine that is priced at RM1+++.++. Trust me guys, the price is not based on how many patterns a machine can sew; more expensive, more patterns; you can feel the smoothness when you sew with an expensive sewing machine. I also got the Magic Kit which consist of 15 sewing foots. There is a ruffler which you use to make ruffle for a blouse, a binding foot which can be used to sew piping and a lot more. Apart from that, I got free one year sewing lesson at Epal, well it is part of the package. By the time of writing, I have 2 projects pending under my belt. One is a baju kurung with a matching clog and another one is a quilted wall hanging. When I'm done with my sewing project, I'll post up some photos. Mr Vediaz is happy with my machine along with a phrase "Lepas ni ibu tak payah dah hantar upah baju, dah boleh jahit baju sendiri dengan baju abah sekali"....

Ibu-ibu Contoh

This evening I was blog hopping like hell. Macam qada' surfing lah ni. I bumped into this blog, There is a list of blog under a label of Ibu-ibu Contoh. and guess what, my blog is in THAT list! wow! Almost surreal...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

My First Hair Tie

This is Dinky's Aeisyah first hair tie. Just want to have fun with her while waiting Mr Vediaz got back from work. Anyway, its about time that I tie her hair so that Dinky Aeisyah can get to used to her hair being tied. A good way to teach her about grooming! Omak jugak yang sonang!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Velcro Tape

Currently I'm cloth diapering Dinky Aeisyah by using the modern looking CD (cloth diaper). Although not exclusively (macam breastfeeding plak); Huggies at nursery and CDs at home and weekend, but I love using CDs. However, Mr Vediaz is not that keen with CDs usage because he can't stand the poops' smell! All Dinky Aeisyah's CDs are brand new and I bought it at several e-store that are selling these adorable CD. Mind you, the initial cost is quite expensive because its price is ranging from RM60 per piece and even RM120 per piece depending on the brand and the material. But this factor doesn't stop me, hehehe…I always use the same reason why I should buy those CDs, same with the reason that I use when I purchased my breastpump! I can use those CDs again with the next baby, by that time at no cost! Right now, Dinky Aeisyah is still wearing a CD with Medium size. I have CDs with snap and CDs with Velcro tape. Velcro tape is versatile because you can adjust the fitting, tighter or looser, but the Velcro is easier to be taken off. With snap, it depends on how many snaps does a CD have. With a lot snaps, its get complicated to handle but you can adjust the fitting better and vice versa. I have 3 CDs with Velcro snaps which are Bumgenius and Happy Heiny's. I love my Bumgenius a lot but not with Happy Heiny's. I don't like its back opening because it is too revealing. Last weekend, Dinky Aeisyah wore her Happy Heiny's before her morning bath. While I was preparing her tub, she managed to take the Velcro tape off! Her face was all eureka. Sigh! Now, I couldn't wear her with that cow print CD…

Wow, this can be taken off, emmmm.....


Yaayy! It's now open sesame!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Raya Pics

I spent my first raya at my parents house without my husband around because Mr Vediaz was working his butt off on that day. On that first raya I stayed at home because I was too lazy to get out from the house. Ate, watched the idiot box, slept, ate again, wandered around the house, annoyed my emak :), bullied my sisters, and the list went on...Aaaah...whenever I'm at my parents house I'm always at cloud nine...can do what I want to do or simply do nothing :). It's more like an escapism theraphy and I sometime need that.

Dinky Aeisyah on the first raya.

The next day; second raya, Dinky Aeisyah and I followed Mr Vediaz back to Kemaman. I dropped him off at work and I went straight home.

Nooooo! Do I have to leave my Tok Ki and Tok Wan?

On the third raya, three of us went off to Penang because Mr Vediaz sf amily had plan a family gateway there.

Posing behind the wheel.

Dinky Aeisyah had a blast on Penang's famous ferry.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Selamat Hari Raya!

Selamat Hari Raya and Maaf Zahir Batin to everyone! To Mr Vediaz, eventhough you're working on 1st and 2nd Raya, you are forgiven! To emak and ayah, thanx for everything. To Along, Atih, Nana, Min, Wawa, and Yaya, Angah tak payah mintak maaf sebab tak pernah buat salah kat korang pun! Acah jer!