Thursday, December 3, 2009

2 Months Old Dinky Alif

Dinky Alif is now 2 months old. Yesterday Mr Vediaz and I brought Dinky Alif to the nearest Klinik Kesihatan to have him jab. He was due for the second dose of his immunization. During Dinky Aeisyah time, she had her jabs at Mr Vediaz panel clinic at Kerteh. Due to the heavy rain plus the awful condition of Chukai's bridge, baik lah tak payah pegi Kerteh. Sangkut jam.

Back to Dinky Alif, he is now weight at 5.4kg. 1 kilo more than Dinky Aeisyah when she was 2 months old. Adakah kerana Dinky Alif is a boy? Right now, Dinky Alif starts to make cooing sound. Kuat sangat geliat sampai Mr Vediaz selalu terjaga tengah malam sebab ingat dia terjaga or whatsoever. He sleeps well at night. Same during the confinement. Easy peasy nak jaga Dinky Alif. Maybe he is a breastfeed baby so he is less cranky. Dinky Aeisyah pun senang cuma she wide awake at 3 am and cried. Time tu first time parents kan, so tension lah. He loves being wrapped in my Moby Wrap starting from Maghrib till 10 or 11 at night. Yang ni sebab perut kembung. Bila wrap dia, confirm tido lentuk punyer. Macam mana lah nak kurangkan kembung baby ni yer?

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