No doubt that Dinky Aeisyah is getting naughtier these days. Her birthdays is just around the corner. There are 21 days left and Mr Vediaz and I haven't thought much on how are we going to celebrate her second birthday before Dinky Boo 2 arrive. For the time being, we are focusing to finish up her play area just below our staircase. We are thinking of getting her this climber...

It's from Little Tikes and it
cost a fortune. Since Mr Vediaz got his 'durian runtuh' this year,
alhamdulillah rezeki anak ni, he plans to splurge a little bit for his daughter's play area. There is a cheaper version of this climber at Gi@#$ but I personally don't think it will last longer as Little Tikes. My preschool class at my school has this sort of climber, a play house and a swing for two from Little Tikes for almost 7 years already and they are in pretty well condition despite of those green mould! Yikes!
Takde sape ker yang nak sental lumut-lumut tu? Sayang betul!
Mr Vediaz also like to add another thing to the play area...

A basketball loop?
Nak sangat anak dara dia jadi sport girl! I'm okay with that but I'm more keen on getting her a play kitchen and it has to be a DIY one. Mr Vediaz tells me that I don't have a time to do the DIY version but it seriously looks cuter than a plastic version. My older brother also agrees with me on that. If you go to
Apartment Theraphy, there is a lot of DIY play kitchen and it always make me

This is made mostly from IKEA parts.

Including this one with an elaborate instruction!

Well, this is the real IKEA! It is from Duktig line and will cost around 65pound! Around RM340, but a lot cheaper that Little Tikes! Don't know this will be available at our IKEA.
Kalau I tau, I kirim jer kat Mak Chu I who got back from UK last month...SIGHHH
the last ikea kitchen tu ada kat our doter spent one hour main sorg...
think price is 349 kot
thanx dear 4 the info! last trip to IKEA was last year. balik KL sekali sekala jer pun thn nih. better check it out!
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