Last Friday, I had to send Dinky Aeisyah to her teacher's house for a daycare. This is because, I'm teaching from Monday till Friday but all nurseries at Kemaman is open from Sunday to Thursday plus Mr Vediaz had a training at NIOSH. Dinky Aeisyah is totally attach to her Teacher Ida who is residing at her parent's home at a nearby village. Well, I can ask Teacher Ida to babysit Dinky Aeisyah at the nursery but me being me :-), I want Dinky Aeisyah has a fair time spend at a 'kampung' house. The wooden floor, the wooden stairs, the clucking sound of a chicken and etc. I've sent Dinky Aeisyah before to Teacher Ida's house and she seems to like it there. But, something had happened on last Friday.
siannye... betul2 ala2 'nande`' la pulak... insya allah lama2 tu ilang la tanda tu...
-mama emma-
ada mark sket kat dahi Aeisyah. abah dia kata xpe, nampak brutal sket. takkanlah anak perempuan nak brutal kn :(
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