Last week Mr Vediaz decided that Dinky Aeisyah is now prepare to face the wave of the big sea. Yeah! We wanted to go to Teluk Kalong. You should see the place. It is so beautiful man. The place is such a gem and you need to go using the old road to Kijal from Chukai. However, it takes about 40 minutes to reach Teluk Kalong. Since, we stay at Geliga and it is shy away from Cherating beach, we went there instead. On our way there, the cloud was getting very dark. By the time we arrived at Cherating beach, most visitors were leaving the beach due to weather. Not so lucky...

So we head to Pantai Teluk Mak Nik which is now being renamed as Monica Bay (how corny is that!). The weather was OK and there were many people there including the staff of SUKMA who were busy setting up the volleyball courts. There was also this van of Sony Ericsson where their staff were promoting their products. Next to the van, there were two pick up trucks that have been modified to promote the latest Sony Bravia.
This is Monica Bay :P. The beach is cleaner compared to the beach back at my hometown.
I hate sea!

Without wasting any time, Mr Vediaz brought Dinky Aeisyah to face the sea. At first, Dinky Aeisyah was so excited with so many people around and she couldn't stop babbling to herself. When Mr Vediaz put down Dinky Aeisyah she was looking anxious, suddenly a wave coming directly towards her and her legs were all washed up! Then, she quickly screamed! So there was Dinky Aeisyah first experience with the sea..

1 comment:
lor... Aeisyah tkejut kot sbb ttiba je wave tu dtg...
sian dia....
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