When I started breastfeeding Dinky Aeisyah, I used Avent Isis during my confinement. Even tough my per session yield is around 2 to 3oz, I thought having a manual pump would be enough. Boy, was I wrong. Dinky Aeisyah was born on 31st of August (ain't she lucky!), so I was needed to attend school for another 3 weeks before end of last year's school holiday. I planned my pumping session at a catalogue room in my school's library; with my headmistress's permission of course. I took 40 minutes per session! With that time frame, no doubt I will running like a crazy lady just to catch up my classes for next year's 2008 session. During my school holiday (Aaah HEAVEN), I started to consider my options on an electric pump. Be it 1) Medela Pump In Style , 2) Ameda Lactaline or 3) Spectra 3. My luck striked in December! Momslittleones was having this breastpump sale. All pumps were 15% less. Without any hesitation, I ordered the Pump In Style. Wooo Hooo.....Till to this day, whenever I look at my buddy, I couldn't help thinking that my pump is the mercedes of all pumps!

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