I got this e-newsletter from Mothercare, introducing their new Smart Nappy system. Very interesting. This smart nappy has a reusable and a disposable system. To me, I would choose the reusable one (of course lah!). Not to mention that the price is quite reasonable. It seems that cloth diapering is integrating into the mainstream. With this new retail product, unlike any cloth diaper that are being sell online, more people could try their hands on cloth diapering. Well, for me, there is no doubt that I'm sticking with my PUL Pocket Diaper. I practically dig Green Acre Design :) and I support WAHM who runs online store that sells these pocket diaper.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
Responds on My Munaw
Wore it to the PTA (Parents & Teacher Association) meeting last Saturday...that was my first time.....
Teacher Husni : You like Pn. Robiah, a motivational speaker. She wore something similar to you.
Teacher Salina : Oooohhh, so this is 'tudung munawwarah'. I want one too! I think Wardina wore this 'tudung' when she pose for Astro View cover. I'll bring the copy this Monday.
Ustazah Rasidah : Lawa tudung!
This morning, I wore it to school and showed it off during the weekly assembly (hehehe). The responds were...
Ustazah Huda : Eehh, macam baru balik Mekah.
Teacher Azlina : Is this your new image? I like it!
Teacher Akma : How many Munawwarah scarf do you have? (emm, actually just two 'tudung T belah')
Teacher Salina : Buy me one whenever you go to Munawwarah, OK!
Now, the pupils' responds....
Pupil 1 : Teacher nampak lain lah today.
Pupil 2 : Teacher nampak lawa la. ( Actually, the tudung is lawa, not me :p)
My mischievous class, 2 Pintar (I'm their class teacher)...
Fazdilah : Eh, ada cikgu baru lah kat sekolah ni.
Hakim : Teacher beli tudung baru ye?
Amierol : Nampak macam...NENEK! (Aiyoo)
Tomorrow, I will resume my 'tudung bawal'. I guess, no more respond. Not until I buy myself a new 'tudung' :). Need to go, loads of Year 6 papers need marking.
Teacher Husni : You like Pn. Robiah, a motivational speaker. She wore something similar to you.
Teacher Salina : Oooohhh, so this is 'tudung munawwarah'. I want one too! I think Wardina wore this 'tudung' when she pose for Astro View cover. I'll bring the copy this Monday.
Ustazah Rasidah : Lawa tudung!
This morning, I wore it to school and showed it off during the weekly assembly (hehehe). The responds were...
Ustazah Huda : Eehh, macam baru balik Mekah.
Teacher Azlina : Is this your new image? I like it!
Teacher Akma : How many Munawwarah scarf do you have? (emm, actually just two 'tudung T belah')
Teacher Salina : Buy me one whenever you go to Munawwarah, OK!
Now, the pupils' responds....
Pupil 1 : Teacher nampak lain lah today.
Pupil 2 : Teacher nampak lawa la. ( Actually, the tudung is lawa, not me :p)
My mischievous class, 2 Pintar (I'm their class teacher)...
Fazdilah : Eh, ada cikgu baru lah kat sekolah ni.
Hakim : Teacher beli tudung baru ye?
Amierol : Nampak macam...NENEK! (Aiyoo)
Tomorrow, I will resume my 'tudung bawal'. I guess, no more respond. Not until I buy myself a new 'tudung' :). Need to go, loads of Year 6 papers need marking.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Islamic Fashion Festival 2007
I found these pictures at flickr and I already asked Ina Ali of Sri Munawwarah about posting the pictures on my blog. So, feast your eyes ladies, courtesy of Sri Munawwarah of course.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
eastcoastmall is opennn!
Yesterday, Mr Vediaz, Dinky Aeisyah and I went to the newly opened Eastcoastmall at Kuantan. Actually, only Carrefour that is open, others tenants such as Parkson are still under renovations. With this new mall, I'm hoping that I will not miss shopping at KL that much (Yeah right!). There is also Big Apple Donut & Co, after it opens I can eat yummy yummy donut without going to KL, Yippee! To my dearest twins sister, Wa & Ya, check out the advertisement below because whenever both of you come to Kemaman, we will be going there OFTEN!
Friday, April 25, 2008
Look Guys, I Can Read Too
This is Dinky Aeisyah showing her budding future hobby in reading! It's a lie, Boohoo! It's more like "which part of the book that I'm going to bite". The board book in the picture is a Sesame Street collection. However, I love the Maisy range more because it is full of bright colours. So far, only the Times Bookshop in the Pavillion has the biggest selection of Maisy's books.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Pumping Schedule
Every pumping mommies has their own schedule right. Mine is a little bit hectic. Well, it depends on my daily teaching schedule. Have a peek on my timetable.
I also inform my Senior Teacher Assistant about my pumping schedule so that he wouldn't interfere the schedule. As I mention HE, yes he does interfere. There are days that we, teachers, need to cover someone else's classes. It is call a RELIEF. When a teacher goes to a course, an exam, doctor check-up, important meeting and so on, other teacher need to cover the unattended class. I don't mind getting a RELIEF because it's part of the job really, but when that RELIEF interfere my schedule, it does piss me off. When I'm pumping, I keep looking at my watch because I need to stop doing my thing before the bell rings. Another added stress. During pumping, I still doing my clerical job (Yupp, I need to type letters, list of names, proposal paper for Year 6, and the list goes on). Basically, my pumping time is never be relaxing as it should be. Poor me :(
My Eventful Day
Today is Saturday! Why I love Saturday? It is because I don't need to rush in the morning along with Dinky Aeisyah so that I could be at school before 7.25am. This is the day that I could be with Dinky Aeisyah all day long. Sunday is included but I have this extra class for Year 6 at 10.30 till 12.30 (who says being a teacher is easy!).
Dinky Aeisyah's funny faces while having her breakfast.
Dinky Aeisyah's funny faces while having her breakfast.
After breakfast, she had her private bath with me but sadly none picture taken. Mr Vediaz was so busy testing two wireless access point that are going to be installed at my school's computer lab (more on this). So, here comes the Sleeping Beauty...
Slept for two hours straight...zzzzzzz
Friday, April 18, 2008
My Diaper Stash
I've been cloth diapering Dinky Aeisyah since she was born, not 100% though. I can't remember how I stumble to this CD (Cloth Diaper) thing. At first, Mr Vediaz was so against the idea (hik hik hik). He kept saying that if I do laundry for all the CD diaper, I would use a lot of water and detergent, which is also not so environmentalist! However, I couldn't see myself becoming one of those mommies who are filling our landfills with disposables fill with our baby's poops! I've read about this article saying that, disposables take up around 500 hundreds years to be fully degrade. Maybe 500 years is over exaggerated but in the same context, the degrade thing will take up years. As a Science Teacher, I teach my pupils not to littering, recycling and so on, but how much have I done to our mother Earth. I don't recycle, not yet :) and if I do, no doubt Mr Vediaz will flip big time! So, I chose to use cloth diaper for my Dinky Aeisyah and it it soooo ADDICTIVE! Mr Vediaz has already gives me warning not to spend so much on CD because my stash is enough for two days of laundry. So far my stash is 85% Green Acre Design diaper. I'm so into GAD....what can I say. GAD has so many colours to choose from. Blame it on Sandra (just kidding) for bringing it at her online shop. Next time, I will upload Dinky Aeisyah pics wearing those CD of hers.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Cutting Teeth
Dinky Aeisyah is cutting teeth! From what I read, babies who are teething usually more fussy, have sore or aching gums. They may also show their teething process by nursing less or more during nighttime. Last two weeks, Dinky Aeisyah was nursing more than usual during nighttime. I just hoping that she will not bite me when she is nursing (Finger Cross!)
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Sri Munawwarah's Tudung Styling Session
Look what I found! Sri Munawwarah's Tudung Styling Session. I really want to go but I'm planning to go back to my mak's house during that particular weekend....emmmm. Bugger! Check out Puan Haslina Ali's blog on latest updates (wink, wink)
The Munawwarah Tudung Styling Session is back......details follow:-
Date : Sunday , 27 April 2008 ( so do all your marketing & family stuff on Saturday, eh.....)
Time : 10 am - 1 .30pm ( not including shopping time & makan time! - if you want to stay longer - you can solat here as well!)
Venue : Sri Munawwarah Lifestyle Hall - first floor above shop - 33 Jalan Tun Mohd Fuad 3, Taman Tun Dr Ismail, Kuala Lumpur
Fees : RM 40 (inclusive of lunch) * sorry - we cannot accomodate kids in the hall as there may be not enough seats...so do try and make arrangements for your babies & toddlers & younger kids for a few hours of mommy-relax-time. Some kids are distracting, so we have to consider the other participants.......
What will we cover ?
- tudung basic tips
- beauty care tips
- how to tie tudung, how to tie selendang
- how to wear the munawwarah tudung
- accessory tips
This is an all ladies affair - so no cameras or handphone cameras or video cameras ( you get the idea)......
If you want to follow thru the class bring along a tudung, a selendang & your munawwarah tudung.
Places limited to 70 pax.....please make your booking once you have really confirmed that you can make it. We really appreciate if you do not make last minute cancellations to avoid wastage of food and seats. BUt if you really have to cancel, please inform us.
How to book seats?
Call 03-77270244 or 03-77299244 and speak to Faridah or Fizah before 24th April 2008.
Payment to be made on the day of the event.
Okay..see you !!!!
ina ali
The Munawwarah Tudung Styling Session is back......details follow:-
Date : Sunday , 27 April 2008 ( so do all your marketing & family stuff on Saturday, eh.....)
Time : 10 am - 1 .30pm ( not including shopping time & makan time! - if you want to stay longer - you can solat here as well!)
Venue : Sri Munawwarah Lifestyle Hall - first floor above shop - 33 Jalan Tun Mohd Fuad 3, Taman Tun Dr Ismail, Kuala Lumpur
Fees : RM 40 (inclusive of lunch) * sorry - we cannot accomodate kids in the hall as there may be not enough seats...so do try and make arrangements for your babies & toddlers & younger kids for a few hours of mommy-relax-time. Some kids are distracting, so we have to consider the other participants.......
What will we cover ?
- tudung basic tips
- beauty care tips
- how to tie tudung, how to tie selendang
- how to wear the munawwarah tudung
- accessory tips
This is an all ladies affair - so no cameras or handphone cameras or video cameras ( you get the idea)......
If you want to follow thru the class bring along a tudung, a selendang & your munawwarah tudung.
Places limited to 70 pax.....please make your booking once you have really confirmed that you can make it. We really appreciate if you do not make last minute cancellations to avoid wastage of food and seats. BUt if you really have to cancel, please inform us.
How to book seats?
Call 03-77270244 or 03-77299244 and speak to Faridah or Fizah before 24th April 2008.
Payment to be made on the day of the event.
Okay..see you !!!!
ina ali
Doing My Thing
Taa Daaa! After school, I picked up Dinky Aeisyah from her BS (BabySitter). Usually, when I'm unloading all my bag and hers from the car, I put her on her latex matress to play for a while. Dinky Aeisyah was doing her thing, tossing around here and there. Then, I saw her feet stucked under the sofa. Still, could bring out the smile when her picture was taken despite her dire situation!
Monday, April 14, 2008
English Workshop
The pupil's are paying their attention to Mrs. Lam's explanation on Paper 1. (They better be!)
Today's Development
Around 4.00am, I was soundly sleeping and suddenly I heard Dinky's Aeisyah's mumbling. It's time for her drink (nursing la). I was so sleepy at that time and I didn't wake up immediately. Then, her mumbled sounded alarming, so I straightly turned to her side. To my horror, Dinky Aeisyah fell from her matress! Poor little girl...
After that, when I dropped Dinky Aeisyah off at the baby sitter's house, she suddenly lifted up her right arm 90 degree towards me as if trying to wave goodbye! But her fist was tightly clenched. Yay!
After that, when I dropped Dinky Aeisyah off at the baby sitter's house, she suddenly lifted up her right arm 90 degree towards me as if trying to wave goodbye! But her fist was tightly clenched. Yay!
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Breastfeeding Pillow
When I was pregnant with Dinky Aeisyah, I went to SOGO to buy all her stuff there. Since I'm residing in Kemaman, the choice of baby stuffs over here are very limited. Mr Vediaz and I made the trip to SOGO when I was in third trimester. Aaaah.....so letih! One of the thing that I purchased was Lollipop nursing pillow and I got it cheap. When I used it first time with Dinky Aeisyah, my Lollipop is quite heavy. Not so flexible I might say. But I stuck with my Lollipop. During my confinement, Mr Vediaz brought me back to his mak's home at Bangi. I persuaded hubby to go to Susuibu because Dinky Aeisyah was having a pretty bad latch. There, I met Pn. Kamariah, who is the founder of Susuibu. She help me with the latch problem but I still didn't get it :( I'm a visual spatial person, so I don't respond well with verbal explanation or still picture. I tried My Brest Friend Nursing pillow and it was so easy using it. It is lightweight, can be rotated along your waist while baby is still on top of it. You can actually walk with this pillow! After I got back from Bangi, I desperately need that pillow. But, the RM189.00 price was a set back...emmmm. I search My Brest Friend at ebay and luckily I found one. Alhamdulillah! The seller wanted to sell her My Brest Friend at RM80.00! Kachinggg! So, I bought My Brest Friend and the pillow looks like new. Nursing was easy using My Brest Friend compared to Lollipop.
Meet My Brest Buddy
When I started breastfeeding Dinky Aeisyah, I used Avent Isis during my confinement. Even tough my per session yield is around 2 to 3oz, I thought having a manual pump would be enough. Boy, was I wrong. Dinky Aeisyah was born on 31st of August (ain't she lucky!), so I was needed to attend school for another 3 weeks before end of last year's school holiday. I planned my pumping session at a catalogue room in my school's library; with my headmistress's permission of course. I took 40 minutes per session! With that time frame, no doubt I will running like a crazy lady just to catch up my classes for next year's 2008 session. During my school holiday (Aaah HEAVEN), I started to consider my options on an electric pump. Be it 1) Medela Pump In Style , 2) Ameda Lactaline or 3) Spectra 3. My luck striked in December! Momslittleones was having this breastpump sale. All pumps were 15% less. Without any hesitation, I ordered the Pump In Style. Wooo Hooo.....Till to this day, whenever I look at my buddy, I couldn't help thinking that my pump is the mercedes of all pumps!

Dinky Aeisyah's Organic Food Are Here

When Dinky Aeisyah started solid last month, I tried to find any baby cereal without sugar in it but to no avail. So, I started her with only rice porridge. Bland, tasteless porridge. However, I somehow stumble to my dear WickedMum who is selling a range of organic baby food, namely Rafferty's Garden and Organix, through www.wanitamelayu.com. (sorry, I still learning on how to link my post) She totally save my day. First, I started Dinky Aeisyah with Rafferty's Garden Multigrain cereal and Organix Banana Porridge. Now, Dinky Aeisyah is already seven months old and she prepares for something more grown-up in her sense! Just this morning, my order arrived safely, Alhamdulillah. The yellow one is Rafferty's Garden Banana Porridge. Next to it is a box of Organix Soft Rusk. In front of these two is Rafferty's Garden Lumpy Puree. At the front are Organix Finger Foods; Sweetcorn, Carrot and Tomato. Yummy.....
Friday, April 11, 2008
Check out my ticker
I made a ticker when I was pregnant with Aeisyah but never used it. During that chaotic part of my life, I was so busy with daily traveling, back and forth from Dungun to Cherating (160KM) not to mention I was soooo pregnant! Now hail my new improved ticker!
p/s Isn't my Dinky Aeisyah is a cutie pie? I can brag in my own blog right :)

p/s Isn't my Dinky Aeisyah is a cutie pie? I can brag in my own blog right :)
I am Aeisyah's abah.... just visiting..
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
My Dose of Sri Munawwarah
Last weekend hubby brought me to Sri Munawwarah at TTDI. I've been eyeing the Munawarrah headscarf like 5 years ago. Aaaaa.....finally. Couldn't describe how blissful I was when I entered the Munawwarah's doorstep. I bought 2 tudung T and 2 anak tudung. I've been wearing the anak tudung to school for two days now and I like it despite you need to get used on wearing it. The Munawwarah workers told me that they usually organize a workshop on how to wear their scarf. If only I'm staying in KL, I would surely go.....
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