Sunday, January 11, 2009

Her First Injury

Last Friday, I had to send Dinky Aeisyah to her teacher's house for a daycare. This is because, I'm teaching from Monday till Friday but all nurseries at Kemaman is open from Sunday to Thursday plus Mr Vediaz had a training at NIOSH. Dinky Aeisyah is totally attach to her Teacher Ida who is residing at her parent's home at a nearby village. Well, I can ask Teacher Ida to babysit Dinky Aeisyah at the nursery but me being me :-), I want Dinky Aeisyah has a fair time spend at a 'kampung' house. The wooden floor, the wooden stairs, the clucking sound of a chicken and etc. I've sent Dinky Aeisyah before to Teacher Ida's house and she seems to like it there. But, something had happened on last Friday.


Poor Dinky Aeisyah...she accidentally hit the toillet's door right on her upper nose (betul ke tak nama part ni) Teacher Ida kept apologizing when I fetched Dinky Aeisyah. Upon seeing Dinky Aeisyah at the front door, I noticed the dark brown thingy on Dinky Aeisyah face. I asked Teacher Ida what is that. Teacher Ida explained that her mom put a mixture of cinnamon and gamat oil on that bruise. Cinnamon to reduce the swelling and gamat oil for wound.

She seems alright and she didn't vomit whatsoever until she slept that night. Oh boy, the bruised part was swelling for a day. Just ignore Dinky Aeisyah's comotness.

This was taken on Saturday's morning. The swelling has reduced but there is a MARK on her face. Alahai, bertandalah muka anak aku!


Emma said...

siannye... betul2 ala2 'nande`' la pulak... insya allah lama2 tu ilang la tanda tu...

-mama emma-

Unknown said...

ada mark sket kat dahi Aeisyah. abah dia kata xpe, nampak brutal sket. takkanlah anak perempuan nak brutal kn :(