Eventhough I'm on confinement, I'm busy juggling with two kiddos and establishing milk supply. With Dinky Aeisyah, she was mixed feeding due to lack of knowledge. I thought that breastfeeding was a natural thing. Boy was I wrong! It was a bumpy road, but I managed to maintain the supply for her up till she was 8 months old.
With Dinky Alif, I'm fully prepared. The first nursing wasn't easy because I coudn't move. Few well meaning relatives suggested that I took it slow so that I could recuperate after the surgery. I buat donno jerk :). Dinky Alif is now on exclusive feeding with breastmilk. He is gaining well and his jaundice is clearing out.
Right now, I'm busy calibrating my supply. I'm pumping after few feeds including the night feeds. Letihnyer...but it's part of the plan.