After so many years of neglecting of the BLOG, I had decided to just picked up where I left before. Thanks to my dear husband for highlighting this yesterday. When I was still blogging, he could update about the life of my eldest daughter online despite that he didn't have a smartphone back then. His job is so demanding that most of his time is spend at his workplace. While he is working, getting to read a bit about what we do at home is a relief on his part and also shows that we are doing OKAY! So here I am, again. After two years of mindless blog walking, my taste and preferences have change a lot. I am in the midst of revamping the page as well. So, stay tune peeps!
Friday, October 18, 2013
Monday, May 16, 2011
After many many months... has been awhile. Life was and still hectic. With two toddlers on tow and hubby along. This year I'm still teaching Year 6 and 2 classes in a row. Hopefully I start blogging again! Hahaha! I wish I can...
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Aku Terima Nikahnya
Saya rasa semua orang dah baca hasil tulisan Abu Saif. Saya dari dulu lagi tergerak hati nak bali tapi asyik bertangguh-tangguh. Betul lah orang kata, nak buat baik ni memang susah. Beli majalah Marie Claire cepat aje tangan ni membayar.
Last weekend, went to Mesra Mall Popular. Dah keluar pun Bercinta Sampai Ke Syurga, sambungan dari Aku Terima Nikahnya. Bummer! I'm totally out dated. Memandangkan, for Government staff, we are required to read at least 7 buku ilmiah and do a synopsis for each one of it. Saya berkira, buku ini di ambil kira.
After I have finish reading it, I'll give a short and quick review.
Last weekend, went to Mesra Mall Popular. Dah keluar pun Bercinta Sampai Ke Syurga, sambungan dari Aku Terima Nikahnya. Bummer! I'm totally out dated. Memandangkan, for Government staff, we are required to read at least 7 buku ilmiah and do a synopsis for each one of it. Saya berkira, buku ini di ambil kira.
After I have finish reading it, I'll give a short and quick review.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Well, dah lama sangat tak update blog, blog hopping. But my online shopping spree jalan as usually!!! Blog pun nampak berhabuk jer. MALUUUUU! Tengok blog orang lain yang every day update. panjang lagi entrynyer. Makes me wonders...when these mommies find their time? Yes finding the time. To confess, malas nak update because of:
1) M_A_L_A_S
2) camera kokak ku really underperformed
3) Dinky Aeisyah watch Charlie and Lola on my laptop
Bottom line is, I need to allocate my self at least 20 minutes on updating the blog. Even my sisters are bugging me to update the blog.
1) M_A_L_A_S
2) camera kokak ku really underperformed
3) Dinky Aeisyah watch Charlie and Lola on my laptop
Bottom line is, I need to allocate my self at least 20 minutes on updating the blog. Even my sisters are bugging me to update the blog.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
My Newest Gadget
Gadget idaman semua mommies yang breastfeed sudah menjadi MILIKKU! Finally, after been dreaming for more than a year, dah ada reason to upgrade my PISA yang actually still mantopp. Bought it from ebay because it's way lot cheaper. Mr Vediaz's friend offered to buy it at US because she's going back to her parents for Christmas. Tapi kan, can not tahan anymore :) Dapat jer kad oren dari Pos Malaysia, I asked Mr Vediaz to pick it up immediately. That very night, I charged the motor first.
My first yield with my Freestyle a.k.a Pam GayaBebas. These are from my pumping session after feed. On the left is the new 2 oz Momsprecious bottle. Cute kan. Me like that cute bottle. Harapnya, I tak malas pump lah. Kalau tak, Mr Vediaz will kill me!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
2 Months Old Dinky Alif
Dinky Alif is now 2 months old. Yesterday Mr Vediaz and I brought Dinky Alif to the nearest Klinik Kesihatan to have him jab. He was due for the second dose of his immunization. During Dinky Aeisyah time, she had her jabs at Mr Vediaz panel clinic at Kerteh. Due to the heavy rain plus the awful condition of Chukai's bridge, baik lah tak payah pegi Kerteh. Sangkut jam.
Back to Dinky Alif, he is now weight at 5.4kg. 1 kilo more than Dinky Aeisyah when she was 2 months old. Adakah kerana Dinky Alif is a boy? Right now, Dinky Alif starts to make cooing sound. Kuat sangat geliat sampai Mr Vediaz selalu terjaga tengah malam sebab ingat dia terjaga or whatsoever. He sleeps well at night. Same during the confinement. Easy peasy nak jaga Dinky Alif. Maybe he is a breastfeed baby so he is less cranky. Dinky Aeisyah pun senang cuma she wide awake at 3 am and cried. Time tu first time parents kan, so tension lah. He loves being wrapped in my Moby Wrap starting from Maghrib till 10 or 11 at night. Yang ni sebab perut kembung. Bila wrap dia, confirm tido lentuk punyer. Macam mana lah nak kurangkan kembung baby ni yer?
Back to Dinky Alif, he is now weight at 5.4kg. 1 kilo more than Dinky Aeisyah when she was 2 months old. Adakah kerana Dinky Alif is a boy? Right now, Dinky Alif starts to make cooing sound. Kuat sangat geliat sampai Mr Vediaz selalu terjaga tengah malam sebab ingat dia terjaga or whatsoever. He sleeps well at night. Same during the confinement. Easy peasy nak jaga Dinky Alif. Maybe he is a breastfeed baby so he is less cranky. Dinky Aeisyah pun senang cuma she wide awake at 3 am and cried. Time tu first time parents kan, so tension lah. He loves being wrapped in my Moby Wrap starting from Maghrib till 10 or 11 at night. Yang ni sebab perut kembung. Bila wrap dia, confirm tido lentuk punyer. Macam mana lah nak kurangkan kembung baby ni yer?
Look At What I Have Won
Few months back, Ajasu of Mybreastpumpshop organized this giveaway. And guess what, I won one of the giveaways. Alhamdulillah.
My prize is a set of 3 Medela feeding bottles, including teats and one Quick Clean Micro-Steam Bag. Retail jer I rasa more than RM70. Tak sabar nak guna bag tu. 20 usage per bag. But from what I read in Babycentre forum, ada mommies yang guna more than 20 times. The prize came at the utmost right time. Skarang ni tengah buat stock giler-giler. So the free bottles really add to my collection of Bumblebee and Moms Precious.
Thanks a lot Aja! Pas bersalin nanti, bolehlah organize lagi yer!
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