Wednesday, September 23, 2009

My Best Best Bestest friend!

Dinky Aeisyah has a new best friend! She is her cousin from Mr Vediaz side. They play together, eat together, blow flute together. Before Raya, both of them were not this close. For the past few days we physically need to separate them when it is bed time hours...SIGH...

Seen here, Dinky Aeisyah with her cousin, Adina.

Fooling around under the banquet table! Their play gym!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Selamat hari Raya To All!

Selamat Hari Raya yer! I arrived at Bangi, my MIL's home yesterday. Mr Vediaz, Dinky Aeisyah and I departed early in the morning. We didn't hit the bed right after sahur! Usually, departing early in the morning is something that we don't do :) This year is a record to beat!

By the time of typing, the atmosphere is filling with the sound of illegal firecrackers. Including from our resident! My MIL is finishing her rendang daging, Melaka style. I half way finished my peeling with ground nut while eating pineapple tart! Mr Vediaz had finish boiling his ketupat bawang and ketupat Adabi.

The rendang! I tak masak, I amik gambar jer!

Jangan main-main tau, Mr Vediaz pandai anyam ketupat. I pun tak pandai!

This morning, three of us went to Prince Court Medical Centre. I'm transferring my labour over there because my gynae at Kuantan Specialist Hospital has advised to stay put at Bangi right to my 38 weeks of gestation. So, my cesarean operation is schedule on the sixth day of Raya, this coming 25th. Pray for my delivery kay!

Dinky Aeisyah, slimming down for raya!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Preparation For Raya

Well, most mom bloggers are talking about their Hari Raya preparation alas for me, there is not much on Hari Raya. I definitely don't prepare any baju raya. Mr Vediaz will be wearing his last years' baju melayu except for Dinky Aeisyah, she has few sets of new clothes just for Raya. Same as last year, I don't bake any cookies. I plainly order it but this year from my next neighbour.

Few days back, Mr Vediaz said that we haven't put up any pelita like other houses. I told him, we didn't have the time to search for pelita as we don't have time to shop in weekdays. This is because Mr Vediaz reaches home around 6pm or 6.30pm. Jangan kata nak keluar lepas Terawih, nak pergi bazar pun tak sempat. By Friday we will be going back to Bangi because this year is Mr Vediaz turns. After that I will be operated on the sixth Raya due to my pregnancy complication. Then, I'll be in confinement. Well, soo much for Raya this year. During Raya, my gynae, Dr. Suraya even suggested that I'm not advised to jalan-jalan soo much on Hari Raya, like balik kampung, in case I bleed in the middle of PLUS highway or better yet, kampung road. I better be around Bangi and KL for that matter.

Starting form last Friday, my gynae has given me a 6 days medical leave. So, today I'm at home, blogging and doing some laundry. If it is up to GH, I will be warded from the last two weeks up till 38 weeks of pregnancy. Apalah makcik nak buat? However, I need to go to my school to settle some paperwoks before Raya since I'm not coming back to school up to next year! Ngeng ngeng ngeng! My maternity leave will follow suit with the school holiday. Seronok gak makcik!

For the time being I'm basically preparing for my cesarean, mentally and physically. Praying for the best!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Berbuka...Di Rumah Emak...

I went back to my hometown yesterday and it's been blissful as ever. Yesterday my emak cooked nasi tomato and kuih putat. Today, our menu is soto and roti jala with kuah durian. YUMMY! Mr Vediaz and I had this conversation yersterday when we was on our way back just after I talked with my emak over the phone, informing my whereabouts.

Mr Vediaz: "Apsal mak bersungguh sangat masak nih?"
Me: "Loer! Anak dia nak balik. Mesti lah masak sedap-sedap kan!"
Mr Vediaz: "Tapi bersungguh sangat la plak"
Me: "Itulah namanya 'emak'. Anak nak balik mesti tanya nak makan apa."
Mr Vediaz: "Emak kan. Mesti macam tu. Nanti Ibu mesti macam tu"
Me: "Taklah. Anak-anak nak makan masak sendiri!"
(We both smiled)

That is how we remember our emak. Her cookings, her affections, her attentions to details. Bebelan and ngomelan tak usah cakap lah kan! Hopefully, when our emak is much more older, we can take care of her just like the way she took care of us. Insya-Allah.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Lunapads just release a new print for their summer collection. ME LIKE! It is called Magenta Mandala and it is an organic cotton. Aiyoo! Makcik dah beli print lain, print baru plak keluar!